"Can we have 3 carling, 4 glasses of white wine and 2 cokes?" I ask the bar attendant. She is quite young, I would say 20ish, with her red/brown hair in a high ponytail. She smiles sweetly and gets them for us.

As she place mine and Dougies Cokes onto the tray she pipes up.

"I assume I'm not supposed to do this but I'm a massive fan, do you mind if I get a picture with you two?" She rambles.

"Sure," James laughs. I take her phone and take a selfie with her and James and hand it back to her. James then goes to pay on his card but she shakes her head.

"No it's fine, on the house," she smiles. James thanks her and I take the tray while James tries to insist she takes a tip for being so lovely. He eventually catches up and we go into the theatre. We are on the front row of the dress circle so I hand out the drinks as I walk to my seat. I am sat in between Carrie and Tom, with James on the other side of Tom and the apparent Youtube crowd on the other side of Carrie. I assume this as about half of them are vlogging.

"Hey Harry," Carrie beams with a large grin.

"Hey Carrie," I beam back and we laugh.

"Anyway this is Dan," she says indicating the boy sat next to her. He seems to be quite tall and lanky, with a long brown fringe and brown eyes. He shakes my hand and smiles but looks nervous at the same time. He seems nice though.

"And then we have Louise, Pete, Emma, Phil, Jack, Luke and Gary," she says indicating along the line.

"DEAR CARRIE!" Tom practiaclly shouts into his camera. I didn't even realise he got it out.

"Yes Tom?" She says leaning across me to get in frame. These vloggers.

"We are at The Addamms Family Musical UK opening night. I'm a little excited. Just a little."

"Can I just say," I say as Tom turns the camera on me, "the people who work here are fabulous, the girl who served us at the bar gave us it on the house, just cause she recognised us! Lovely people,"

"Her name was Beth," James says.

"Give her a raise," Tom laughs. He continues vlogging and I turn to Carrie and Dan.

"So Dan, you're a YouTuber?"

"Yeah I really enjoy it, I've been at it for a while now,"

Our conversation continues for a little while.

"Yeah Dan and Phil over there have their own radio show aswell," Carrie says and then it clicks.


I open the door and sneak back to my room, but something makes me stop. Mel is talking in her room, I think she might be on the phone.

"Dan, shut up,"

Is she talking to Danny? No she can't be, he kills anyone who calls him Dan. Who is this guy then?

I think I know now.

I am about to say something when the theatre goes dark.

A hand appears through the curtain and starts clicking along to the theme tune. I try to relax but my mind is racing. That's him, at least I think, that Mel is always talking to and with. 'She's with Carrie' is clearly because Carrie is friends with him.

Now I know what she's been hiding from me and where she has been all this time. The curtains open and I shake out of it and concentrate on the show. The stage is set like a graveyard and a set of bodies are behind a gate as the music begins. One walks forward and speaks in an italian ish accent.

"Ah, the intoxicating smell of the graveyard." I know that italian accent anywhere. Matt Willis is not stuck in traffic.

He is on stage infront of me.

Me and Tom look at each other in shock. How did he even? How did we not know about this? I look down our row and literally only Emma isn't confused. I am suddenly transfixed by Matt's suit and italian accent. I still can't get over this.

The actors are all really good and all look the part. You genuinely think they are the characters, not actors. In fact the show is fantastic.

Matt and the girl playing his daughter Wednesday have amazing chemistry, it is actually like they are father and daughter.

Carrie taps my arm.

"Matt's brill isn't he?"She whispers

"Yeah he's fantastic," I reply as the second song starts

"This is one of my favourite songs, ever! Pulled!" She whispers with a slight smirk.

I watch the girl playing Wednesday as she sings closely. All of a sudden, as she belts at the audience she seems familiar. I don't know why, as her face is practically white and she has what I am assuming is a wig on, an extremely short black bob.

Then why is she so familiar?

Tom taps my arm and we look at each other and realise.

"But she's ill?" Tom whispers.

"Clearly not,"

That there, on stage, is my daughter.

Melody is belting her heart out as Wednesday. My jaw is on the floor.

So it's not the boy sat two seats away from me she's been hiding from me. It's the fact that her and Matt are in a West End Musical.



Hope you enjoyed that! Slightly longer chapter but not by much, but now you know what Melody has been hiding for so long.

But what will happen? Will Harry be happy? What about Dan? Find out next time!

I would also like to say I really enjoyed the build up to this part as I have been planning this part of the plot a lot.

I was also thinking about doing something interactive again with you guys, like the character interviews. What do you think? Any ideas?

Thank you all and I will see you next time!

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