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Venelia and the Mandalorian sat in comfortable silence for the hour that it took for them to reach Kybin, both too tired to make any conversation after the adrenaline from the bounty hunters wore off. The only sounds she heard were the whir of the control panel and occasional beeping from the navi-computer, and yet the quietness that stretched between them was not awkward.

Venelia stared out the window of the cockpit for most of it, her head resting back on the seat, trying not to fall asleep. The Mandalorian got up once to use the privy, and Venelia watched him walk out and back into the cockpit – using the stimulation from his footsteps to keep from dozing. She wondered what was going on in that head of his – since wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for her.

As they came up to Kybin, he told her to strap in as he guided the ship into the atmosphere. She lazily did as she was told, too tired to point out that he wasn't even strapped in.

Although it was night, Venelia could make out the water and greener that covered Kybin, its topography mangroves and tropical forests as they flew over trails of estuaries. It took the Mandalorian a few minutes to find a space that was suitable for them to land. When he did, he landed gently and shut the engines off. Venelia sat up sleepily and unbuckled, as the Mandalorian swivelled around to face her.

"Come on," he said and stood up before making his way out of the cockpit.

Venelia followed him down the ladder, "Where are you taking me?"

She jumped off the final rung and spun around to see the Mandalorian standing outside his quarters, reaching inside the wall before pulling out a blanket. He handed it to her.

"Take the bed, I'll sleep in the cockpit," he told her casually.

"What? I can't take your bed," Venelia protested.

"Yes, you can," he was still holding the blanket out to her.

Her eyes darted to the blanket in his outstretched hand and back to his helmet. "You can't sleep in the cockpit."

The Mandalorian sighed. "I'll be fine," he assured.

"That chair isn't comfortable," Venelia argued, shaking her head.

He shrugged. "I've slept in worse places. Just take the bed." His tone had a note of finality in it.

"But you need the rest more than I do."

"Venelia. Please." His voice sounded strained, "I'll be okay." He was tired and yet he was giving up his own bed for her – a stranger.

She sighed and took the blanket from him, eyeing his helmet from under her lashes, "Thank you."

He nodded and brushed past her to go back up the ladder, "I'll lock the Crest, but if there's anything that doesn't feel right, come and get me."

"Okay," Venelia smiled. He started to climb and before she lost her nerve, Venelia rushed to say, "Goodnight, and thank you. For everything."

The Mandalorian paused his climb as she spoke and turned his head slightly as if he was doing to respond or perhaps say goodnight back, but instead, he wordlessly continued up the ladder.


Venelia's energy bow was poised in her arms as she aimed at the tree trunk a few feet away. Kybin was warmer than she was used to, and she had stripped off her cloak and other extraneous accessories for some relief. She liked the warmth and relished in the sunlight she so rarely experienced, but she did hate the sweat that was forming a slick over her body.

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