Dear God

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Dear God, I've written to you so many times in the last few years, off and on... Have you been listening? Why do I write to someone I don't believe is there? I don't understand why I'm here. Why for you make me? I know you don't make mistakes, that's what I've been told... But perhaps.. I was an exception? I've asked you this question so many times that you're probably sick of it.... But why me? Why would you make me? Why would you have me alive but give me so much pain? What is the point? I don't understand...I don't know why you would create me only to have me break myself down...I get ahead... Then fall... Then fall lower... Then get back up... Then fall.

What is the point? I've tried to talk to you so many times.. And I've asked my question so many times but... I've never really gotten an answer.. Not one that was true or spoken to me.. That I could understand or use...I never really got an answer...I really need one.. One that makes sense and that I can accept.. Right now, life just feels like a repeating cycle: wake up, eat, work, blink, eat, sit and eat, go to sleep, wake up again and repeat the whole thing over again...

Why did you do this? Why can't I get an answer? Why is it so hard to want to keep living? Why is it so hard to not be so sensitive? Why is it so hard to stop crying? Why is it so hard to just live and talk and express and just... Want happiness? To keep going forward and not ever backwards? Why...

Have you been listening?

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