"Don't demons live forever?" I finally found myself asking, breathlessly. Zing didn't speak for a while, didn't move, as the question lingered in the air. Then, he slowly turned his head to me, and we locked eyes. Mine probably reflected the worry that was bubbling in my chest, the anxiousness I felt towards this situation, towards losing this figure before me. Towards losing the only thing that I felt connected to. While his churned with fervor, with some unknown knowledge that I could never find for myself, not in this lifetime. Then, it was gone, and a smile erupted on his face.

"Of course, demons do live forever. You're so smart, Ibanlinscthaz." His hand continued to stroke my head, and the anxiousness died down for a while.

For a while.

Some decades later

TW: hints of blood and gore. Summary of this section is below.

Chaos. The streets were littered with fire and overfilled with the blood and bodies of those I love, those that I've come to cherish. Those that finally broke the wall that I had around my heart for years, that only Zing had managed to penetrate.

My family.

Zing. My paws stung as I ran through the very streets, ignoring the cries and screams for help; the begging pleads as house after house collapsed under the strain of fire and assault. My paws burning against the hot ground and blood that sat there, blood that splashed up against my underbelly and stung my eyes. Zing. Zing. Zing. I need to find Zing.

I continued running until I was standing in front of our home, but the scene there was horrific. Sallian, a woman who came to aid Zing and keep him focused on his work, was slouched against the front door, barring all of those who dared to enter. But she couldn't do anything now, her eyes unfocused and hazy as she stared down at her clawed bear feet, the gaping hole in her chest where she was struck revealed the bones to her ribcage and the missing place where her heart once was.

I barely allowed myself to grieve, instead, I used every ounce of strength I had in my small form to gently push her aside and make my way in the door, using the little cut-out square that Zing had made for me. Inside wasn't that much better, the walls were splattered with blood and a few bodies lay scattered on our once clean floor. All of them human.

But Zing wasn't here. Where could he be? I felt the fear rise in my chest as I searched our home, then make my way outside to search all around it as well. Directly behind our house was the woods, and I could see a trail of blood leading towards them. So, I followed after it, the blood trails getting heavier and areas of altercation being present amongst the trees. Occasionally, I would see some dead humans, but never once did I find Zing. I continued to follow the trail, my heart still racing as I tried to find my master.

Then, there he was.

His back was to me, leaning against a tree as if he were watching the sunset that lay before him, just over the mountain cliff. But I could tell something was wrong. A human lay at his feet, their body limp against the ground and a knight's insignia on their left breast pocket.

"Zing?" I called out, my feet hesitatingly taking another step. All noise seemed to freeze at that moment as if the earth itself was watching the scene before it. Zing slowly moved his right arm, holding it out towards me as if it was any other day when he wanted to pet me. But it wasn't like any other day because I watched as the blood dripped from that hand and land against the grass in a silent motion.

"Come here, Ibanlinscthaz." A cough made its way out of his chest as I slowly approached him. "I should've made your name shorter, huh?" He forced out. I didn't dare look up at the wounds that I knew were dancing across his chest, I couldn't find myself to face the reality of the situation.

"I like my name," I whispered, lightly brushing his right hand and looking over to his lap. His legs sat in a V-shape, leaving open a spot for me to lay. However, this time, the spot was covered in blood, and even as I curled up on it, the heat that once radiated from him didn't seem to touch me now.

"Me too, but... it's a mouthful." His breath rattled in his chest, as his hand slowly moved back over to land on my head, stroking the fur. "Maybe, Iban should be fine. Just a nickname... like me." I listened as he continued to stroke my fur, and I allowed him to do as he pleased. He wasn't fast, but he was rough as if he couldn't quite get the feel of me under his fingertips. But I didn't move; even as my body rocked back and forth against the strain; even as the blood transferred over from his wound and pooled on my stomach; even as he unconsciously rubbed it in, matting the fur that lay beneath. I sat, motionless.

"Who in their right mind wants to be compared to you?" I choked out, hoping that a joke would lighten up the mood. Zing laughed in response. It was only a small chuckle, but it sent his body into a coughing fit, one that rattle his bones and caused him to hunch forward. I tensed my eyes shut harshly as he coughed, listening to the sounds of him trying to catch his breath. Once he did, his breathing came out harsher, like he was still in the process of trying to catch it back.

"I guess that's true." He spoke up after a long while, his voice raspy. His hand gradually found its way back to me and continued its stroking motion. And that's how we sat for a while, listening to the sounds of nature, and watching as the sun settled down, barely above the horizon. I tried to keep myself calm, even as I felt Zing's hand gradually get slower and slower.

"Iban." Zing's voice was barely above a whisper, and his fingers barely managed to open and close against my stomach that churned and strained as I squeezed my eyes shut. Please don't die. Please don't leave me here. What am I going to do without you? Please, God, anyone, someone, please don't let this man die. I'm begging you. Please.

"It'll be okay." Zing croaked out. "Even without me, you'll find him."

"Him?" I asked, my voice wavering. And if I were human, I'm sure it would be caught between the tears that would find their way down my cheeks.

I could hear the smile on his lips, as his final words left them, the sun closing and finally bringing about the darkness that took him:

"He'll bring peace to us all."


Summary of the second part of the chapter.

Iban's hometown is slowly being burned down and the demons are dying. Iban races through the streets to his old home and searches for Zing. He only finds a dead friend there and other dead humans. He then makes his way to the forest behind his home and manages to find Zing there. Zing and Iban lay together as Zing slowly dies. Zing tells him not to worry, that everything will be alright without him and Iban will be able to find "him". Iban asks who "him" is, and Zing's last words are:

"He'll bring peace to us all."


Hello everyone! Saph here! This chapter was actually a little difficult for me to write and revise. I, for some reason, really grew attached to Zing, despite only just meeting him. I do know that not a lot of people actually are rooting for Iban, but I felt incredibly sad for him to go through this situation. Honestly, this chapter wasn't necessary at all, I struggled to figure out if I wanted to have a flashback with Iban or if I just wanted him to tell the tale, but I like this flashback. Did you like this flashback? I hope that you still enjoyed it! Next time, we will be back in the present time! And, if I feel like it and you guys want it, maybe I could have a little bit more of Zing and Iban's interaction as an extra type thing? Idk, I do find myself feeling attached to him haha. 

Anyway, I hope you all are doing well. I wasn't sure if I wanted to update today because I spent forever writing papers and worrying about homework that I could have to do over the next week because I'll be taking a short break for classes! But, I saw a lot of people being anxious over this so I wanted to post it ASAP lol. I hope you all enjoyed two updates in two weeks!

As always, thank you all so much for reading! Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. Remember to stay hydrated and keep warm! It's been like 30 degrees (Fahrenheit) here for like two weeks straight and I'm always so very cold. Everyone, please have a wonderful Thanksgiving if you celebrate it and I'll see you next time!

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