Chapter 2: Cat

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Damn, this place is more crowded today than it has ever been. I thought, walking through the streets lined with vendors. People from all over the world came to the Ekalen Kingdom because, not only is it packed full of citizens, but it also rules over the most land in the world, meaning there was a lot of space. The Ekalen Kingdom gives off the impression that they rule over the other kingdoms, despite this being an equal society. Combined, this means that most people come here in order to live. I was thankful that I was placed in this body since I was so close to a town that regularly had an abundance of people and travelers. It meant that it was just that much easier to steal from those around me.

Back in New York, I was on my own for so long that I picked up the habit of stealing things from those around me. I didn't really care what I stole; some food, a wallet, a phone, a wedding ring, anything would suffice if it would bring even an ounce of adrenaline to surge throughout my body. I didn't need to steal or anything, I had a job that paid well, and I was going to school too, but I liked stealing because there was a certain thrill in getting caught. It was that much more interesting to steal from the people around me, specifically my coworkers. I made a little game out of it, the higher the value of the item, monetary or emotional wise, the more kick I got out of it. For the most part, I never really did anything with the items, I used the cash from the wallets I took, I would pawn off some of the wedding rings I stole, and I would eat the food I took. But, other than that, I kept some things lying around my house in anticipation that one day someone would come in and notice that it was theirs and once again spark a feeling inside of me. However, over time, I realized that I was just too good at stealing, and it became a dull trade after a while.

Now, however, those skills were good to have, as I wondered the busy capital streets, slightly bumping into people and stalls. Steal an apple there, take a ring from this person, swoop in and steal these coins when no one is looking. You know, things that people would easily forget. Did they really buy four apples instead of three? Did that cashier really place down two copper, or did they forget? Simple things like that have kept me alive for the past two years and I will continue to use this ability as long as I am not detected.

The haul today brought me two apples and three loaves of bread. I would've loved to steal some jewelry, especially because there seemed to be a lot of travelers here today, but that also meant there were more watchful eyes. And a kid in a worn-down black cloak carrying expensive jewelry would surely draw the eye. So, for today, I just took some food for the road and I made my way towards a crowd standing before a bulletin board. I couldn't read the language these people spoke, but for some reason, I could speak it very well. My mother and I never had great conversations, but after the first time she spoke to me, I learned that I somehow already knew the language perfectly, however, that never transferred over to reading the language. Though, it's not like I need to know how to read. With the limited amount of access that the people on the poor side have to education, there's probably a large chunk of people who don't know how to read or will never learn and instead rely on the majority of those who could. Which was what a lot of people were doing now as I hovered around the crowd.

"Are you sure it says 10 am? Read it again; they should be here right now, passing through!" A woman asked, urging a middle-aged man covered in sweat to franticly look at the wide eyes around him. His jaw jiggled as a handkerchief produced from his pockets was used to wipe off the droplets of sweat running down his chin.

"I'm sure, Dorothy, it says 10 am, they must be running late." I frowned, who could possibly be coming that made so many people arrive and wait around?

My question would be answered as the sound of gasps and hushed whispers followed by the clank of a carriage and the rhythmic thumping of horse hooves overtook the voices of the crowd. I turned to my left and looked down the large main road to see that, in the distance, a large carriage was coming towards us and seemingly headed towards the castle. The carriage was a grand one, decorated in white and gold, showing off how important the person inside was. It was also following behind four knights on horseback, all wearing silver armor, and swords. They were shouting at the citizens on the street, urging them to stand to the side or to be struck down by a sword.

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