Chapter 5: Studying

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For the first time since I had gotten to this new world, I was shocked to my core. Typically, in reincarnation stories, people didn't talk about their past life, let alone realize that the main character was from another world. So, the fact that Iban knows about my previous life and where I lived, was something that I had never expected to hear. Why in the world would he know about that? Was I some sort of creation myth? Does that mean Iban knows what happened and how I got here?

"So, you're saying that because he is from another world, he is the perfect candidate to be the nine-tailed mage?" The archmage muttered, not really concerned with the situation, nor seemingly being phased with the fact that I was from a different world. However, my hands were slightly trembling at the sensation of them knowing something about me that I didn't tell them. It made me entirely too uncomfortable to not have any control in this situation.

"How do you both know?" I asked, frowning, and sitting back in my chair. I wasn't sure how this would reflect me in the future, but it seemed to smell of trouble. I didn't want to be bothered. And I didn't want to stay with them any longer than I had to if they were going to be in my private business.

"He is the most powerful mage to ever exist, and I am, in your own words, like a trickster god." His tail flicked in mischief, his gaze holding mine. "I'm more shocked you didn't think we would know." I glared at him, not really liking anything that was happening. If they knew all along, that why would they not mention that first? Weren't they curious? What was the real reason behind all of this?

"Regardless of the reason, you are an extraordinary case. One that I'm very interested in. The fact that you can not only hide your powers but also your characteristics at such a young age and have never fully met your familiar before is something I have never seen before. Can you show me your mage characteristics?" The archmage has a strange look in his eyes, one that didn't quite sit well with me. I frowned and shook my head. I was already in a bad mood that they knew stuff that I had never mentioned, there was no way that I was going to allow them this too.

"I don't really want to–" before I could finish, Iban's eyes glowed bright red, and I rapidly stood up as I felt something burning at my backside. I knew then that he had given me my "mage characteristic", of nine tails, but it still was unbelievable that I had tails growing out of my body. Another first for me since entering this place.

I reached behind me and was startled to brush against fur, and I was even more startled to learn that I felt myself touching my tail. My tail moved towards me, as if knowing that I wanted to touch it. On one hand, my tail felt like I was moving something akin to a third arm. On the other hand, it felt like it had a mind of its own, flicking inconsistently as I tried my best to look at it. It was thick, like a fox or huskies' tail, but also small in proportion to my body. The color was grey, with only a slight blue tinge to the ends to cause it to twinkle in the light. It was hidden beneath my ragged cloak, and I couldn't help but move it, liking the feeling of it touching something.

"There's only one?" I murmured, bring my tail in front of me to brush it. My tail was a little shorter than my legs. Given that I was a seven-year-old child in this body, it seemed that we would probably grow together. And maybe it was because I had been distracted by the tail, but I seemingly forgot all about the fact that they knew so much about it. It was in the back of my mind as I touch my backside, trying to understand how my tail was growing out of me.

"Yes, you will get more the older you get and the more you train. Though, for you, it would probably be very easy to learn new things." The archmage spoke absentmindedly. He seemed fascinated with my tail too. At my gaze, he cleared his throat and moved to sit back in his chair, not embarrassed at all for being caught staring. "It is uncommon for people to have furry tails; most mages have reptilian tails if anything. I'm sure you will be a hit among the students." I frowned once more and shook my head.

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