Chapter 15- Kristen's Love

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Tommy POV

Tommy slowed opened his eyes, a rush of coldness washing over him. He looked around, realizing Wilbur and Techno had left. It must be late, he realized.

He sighed, wondering what he was going to do to fill his time. How was he going to keep himself from going insane? 

An weird object caught Tommy's eye. An old book sat on his desk, dust stuck to cover in layers. Tommy had never seen it before, he was sure of it. Quickly, he moved from his bed and began inspecting the book. Who left it there? Who wrote it?

Carefully, he picked up the book, noticing how heavy it was. The pages appeared to be very worn. Who's was this?

He opened the book, and immediately began reading.

Oh how perfect he is. My sweet little Tommy, my youngest. He has the most beautiful eyes, that reflect the sky. He's small, but still strong. I can only hope everyone will love him as much as I do. He is just so perfect!

Wilbur was quick to love the boy, immediately falling in love with him. I can barely keep the boy away from his little brother without him throwing a fit. It's sweet, to say the least.

Techno was a bit more unsure. He's never seen something so small and fragile. But I can tell he feels the need to protect him, even if it's from afar. He constantly studies Tommy, as though he's trying to make sense of him. I'm sure they will only grow closer.

I've never seen a child spread as much light as Tommy does. He always looks at me, that smile on his face. He's always laughing and giggling, even when there's nothing there. I hope no one ever takes that innocence away from him.

I've written a song for him. To keep him strong, even when I'm away. I can only hope I'll be around all the time to sing it for him. But just in case, I'll write it here for Phil to sing. Or maybe even Wilbur as he grows, I believe he's been gifted with my musical gifts.

Sweet blue eyes,

Looking for the light.

Don't stop searching,

Even in the night.

I'll be there,

Don't you worry.

I'll keep you safe,

All through the night.

Soft blonde hair,

Waving in the wind.

Don't give up, 

Even when you're defined.

I'll be there,

Don't you worry.

I'll keep you safe,

All through the night.

Oh my Tommy.

Be strong,

No matter what.

Oh my little Tommy, I love you so much. I can hardly wait to watch you grow up.

With all my love,


Tommy's eyes began to water. She would never seen him grow up. She wouldn't sing to him anymore. She would be gone. Tommy closed the book, holding it close to his heart. 

It was her.

His mother had been calling out to him. Maybe this would be the way to get to Phil. 

Maybe then he would forgive and let her go.


Hope you liked it!

Hope you have a wonderful day!


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