Chapter 12- Mom?

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Tommy POV

Tommy refused to leave Tubbo's side. Clinging to him at every chance he could. 

As much as Tubbo loved clingy Tommy, he couldn't help but worry. What had happened to him? Why was he acting like this?

"Tommy. You're going to have to tell me eventually." Tubbo sighed, rubbing the boy's back in the hopes of providing some comfort.

"Not now." Tommy whined, gripping onto Tubbo tighter. "Later."

The brunette shook his head. "My hugs won't fix your problems Toms."

"Yes they will! Your hugs fix everything." Tommy muttered under his breath. 

Tubbo smirked. "And you call me clingy."

"I'm not clingy!" The blonde shouted, lying through his teeth.

"Right and I don't like bees." Tubbo said sarcastically.

Tommy chuckled, finally pulling out of the hug. He immediately began playing with his fingers, not wanting to think about what had happened. "I-I couldn't pay attention at practice... And I made the teacher mad and he yelled at me... And then I made Techno and Wilbur mad and I-" he was cut off by a sob escaping his throat. "Why does everyone hate me so much?"

Tubbo looked at him sadly, grabbing his hand and gently squeezing it. "I don't hate you."

Tommy shook his head, "You're bound to eventually! Everyone does!" He turned away, trying to force his hand out of Tubbo's grip. But Tubbo held on, only tightening his grip.

"Tommy, you're my best friend. I can't live without you." 

Tommy looked at him with tears in his eyes, unsure whether to believe him or not.

"Why don't you get some sleep?" The boy suggested with a quick glance outside. Darkness had taken over the light, revealing the night.

"Will you-" the blonde began.

"I'll be here. I won't leave you." Tubbo promised.

Tommy hesitated before nodding. He decided to trust his best friend. Slowly, he laid down beside Tubbo, who gave him a warm smile. Tommy smiled back before allowing sleep to take hold of him.


"Soft blonde hair,

Waving in the wind.

Don't give up,

Even when you're defined."

Images danced through his brain as a woman appeared. The woman smiled, walking towards the trees.

A whisper creeped through his head.

"I don't regret it, my prince. Not one bit."


Tommy suddenly sat up straight, his eyes wide. Was that really her? Did he actually see her? Tubbo stirred beside him, looking at him in confusion.

"Tommy? You okay?" he whispered.

"I saw her..."


"My mom."


Hope you liked it!

Sorry this was a little short!

Hope you have a wonderful day!


Searching For A Song (SBI Fantasy AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora