I sighed, throwing a random stuffie at Chris with a soft smile, making Chris chuckle as well. It wasn’t funny what Hawk had done, but we laughed because Hawk and I had been acting like a married couple for so long, it was just normal now. As much as he needed to get smacked in the head a few times, I couldn’t imagine being with anyone else. We’re all a little insane aren’t we?


A few minutes later Sam had shown up, along with Demetri and two boys I didn’t know too well. Thank god.

“Hey, good to see you’re out of the house again” Sam nodded, pulling me into a hug 

“Yeah” I nodded, pulling Demetri into a hug afterwards

“Where are they?” Sam asked

“They snuck into the old laser tag place nextdoor” Chris sighed

“How many?”

“Fou-” I tried to answer, pushing against my chest

Fucking work! Ugh! Demetri rubbed my back gently, but I pulled away from him, I was building on the edge of red and I wasn’t in the mood for sympathy right now

“Four of em” Chris said for me

“Five of us, I like our odds” Sam nodded

“Six” I corrected

“Are you sure you can do this?” Sam asked “I know you’re still-”

“Yeah” I cut her off, I’m not backing out of this

“Are you sure we should be doing this?” Demetri questioned

“We’re not on school property. This is our chance to fight back” Sam affirmed

We all nodded, storming off in a group towards the lazer tag room. As we got to the door I found a switch on the wall. I flicked it for fun, turns out it turned off all the lights, but everything was still bright from all the LEDs.

“Nice” Chris nodded

I shrugged, taking the lead of the group with Sam and storming through the place until we found Hawk and the goons. When hawk saw us all he scoffed

“What do you want?”

“Payback” Sam muttered

 Believe it or not, Sam was the first one to strike. She kicked two of the boys in the face, Hawk took a swing at her next but she dodged it, that’s when I got in on the fight, sending Rickenberger away from her with a sidekick to the gut. Sam fought off Hawk pretty successfully, I wasn’t surprised, she was an amazing fighter. Demetri sent a kick to another one of the boys, sending him flying back successfully too. We were actually winning for once.

I was hit with a sudden kick to the face, I went flying onto my back, being hit by Mitch. I flipped myself onto my back, charging at him and sending multiple punches at his face, before landing one to his gut

“Who’s side are you on Harley!?” Mitch exclaimed

“The good side” Chris answered

I sighed, not what I would’ve said, but those two were fighting now, I’m not gonna correct him. I turned to see Sam had gotten Rickenberger to stay on the ground. But then something happened that we definitely didn’t expect.

“Sam Larusso!” Is that… “Where are you bitch?” that’s Tory

My eyes widened as Sam froze mid punch. I could practically hear her heartbeat pumping out of her chest. Sam and I had gotten it the worst from Tory at the school fight, and I knew it was affecting Sam hard. I quickly ran over to Sam, pulling her to her feet instantly.

Psychotic Kids '-' Eli MoskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now