73. Paper & Ink

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I don't need to be the best

just want to get things of my chest

Not sure if that's true or not

but with a paper voice, I'll give it my best shot

Wrapping feelings in inky lines

they no longer way down my spine

Now they get to have a life of their own

and I get to feel a little less alone

in this struggle, this big bad world

in my mind, where dark thoughts whirled

The same ink now draws a smile on my face

where before there was an empty space

I tried to fill with all that wasn't real

to pull a mask over this heart of steel

It still hammers the same old beat

along with the stumble of my anxious feet

They carry me to a place that feels new

and hopefully the monsters there are few

Yet I feel a bit more strong

while the journey drags along

Not sure where I'll end up, but I know one thing

with this voice of ink, my words will sing.

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