Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Alya's Perspective

Alya and Lila sat on the park bench together. Alya bounced her leg nervously. Lila had told her to meet at the park because of something important, but she hadn't said what. Apparently, it was a big secret. Alya couldn't wait to get the next scoop for her blog. After all, Lila was trustworthy.

"So," Lila said. She looked down nervously, biting her lip. "I... have something to tell you," she said. Alya looked at her pityingly and put a hand on Lila's leg.

"It's ok," Alya said. "Whatever it is, you can trust me." She smiled at her, trying to get her to loosen up. 'Whatever it is must be really important' she thought.

Lila took a deep breath and looked at Alya. "I'm Rena Rouge." Alya just stared. 'Lila was lying? But, Lila never lied! Except..... She couldn't be Rena Rouge! Because I am Rena Rouge. So, did that mean that everything else was a lie too? Oh my god Marinette! She told everyone that Lila was lying, but they didn't listen! She had started pushing away her best friend because of this b****es lies! Wait, she's staring! Say something! SAY SOMETHING!'

"Um, gotta go, bye!" Alya yelled, running away from that park bench as soon and as fast as possible, her mind whirling with everything she had just learned. She pulled out her phone as she ran back to her house.

"Nino? Yeah, meet me at my place. We need to talk."


Alya paced her carpet, her mind running at a million miles an hour, while Nino sat in her chair staring at her worriedly. They had just spent an hour together going over everything that Lila had ever said, and as far as they could tell, they were all lies. Nino was upset with himself and how he handled the situation, and felt like they needed to apologize to Marinette. Alya on the other hand....

"That b**** told me she was best friends with Ladybug. LADYBUG! As if that little snake has ever even met her! Wait, I can't call her a snake. That's an insult to snakes and Viperion. She's, she's a rat! When I get my hands on her....."

"Alya!" Nino interrupted. "We can't kill her!" Alya looked at him.

"But what if no one knows that its us?" she questioned, trying and failing to sound innocent. Nino sighed and put his head in his hands.

"We need to apologize to Marinette," he said with his head still in his hands. "We need to apologize to her and get her, like, a massive gift basket because we were shitty friends and then we can take down that lying rat in front of the whole class and keep apologizing until we are old and gray because they way we treated her was not the way you treat friends, especially your best friend and a girl you have known since l'école primaire."

By the time he was done, there were tears in his and Alya's eyes. Alya nodded. So that's what they did. They took all the money they had and went to the local supermarket and bought Marinette's favorite cookies, her favorite drink, her favorite type of candy, yards of cashmere and muslin, a pincushion that looked like a ladybug, and a massive blank card that they wrote We're sorry! on it. It took most of their money, but they agreed it was worth it. All that was left was for them to give it to Marinette and hope that she forgives them.


Alya and Nino stood outside the Dupain-Chengs bakery nervously. They didn't know if they would still be welcome after they treated Marinette. They looked at each other. Nino smiled a little, trying to reassure her and himself.

"Well, we can't wait out here all day." Nino weakly attempted to joke. Alya nodded, taking a deep breath to steady herself, and opened the door. The bell rang as they walked through.

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