Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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I've got so much to do. You thought to yourself as you sat up in your warm, fluffy bed while the early morning sunlight began to peer through your cracked open windows. You stretched your arms and let out a big yawn as you swung your legs out from under the many blankets on your bed. Even though it was the first day of Spring, the nights in Stardew Valley got incredibly chilly and you hadn't been able to gather enough wood the evening before to keep the fire lit throughout the night.

You were walking over to your small television set to check the local weather report when you tripped over a large package on your floor. You turned around and saw a large red bow surrounding a cardboard box and cautiously opened it. Inside was a handwritten note from Mayor Lewis and fifteen packets of parsnip seeds. What a thoughtful welcome present.

You had only arrived in Pelican Town yesterday evening and you had been immediately greeted by the local carpenter, Robin, a slim woman with vibrant ginger hair, and Mayor Lewis, the 20-term mayor of Pelican Town. They helped escort you from the bus stop to your late grandfather's weathered farm.

You fondly remembered your first evening in Pelican Town as you set the note on your table next to a letter from your late grandfather and the property deed that had accompanied it. You stepped outside into the fresh spring air to survey your overgrown plot of land. Directly in front of the house was a fairly open bit of field that looked as if it would be easy enough to clear out, perfect for starting a small and manageable parsnip garden. Though you had very little experience with farming, you were sure that it wouldn't be too hard to pick up. After cutting down your first tree, however, you learned that you were in for a lot more work than you had originally thought.

You gave up on clearing trees for the moment and decided to focus on the overgrown plants that seemed to be a more manageable task. After clearing out the fibrous vegetation around you, you decided that you had enough space for your fifteen parsnip plants and probably a few other plants, too. You remembered there being a small seed shop in town that you had occasionally visited with your grandfather when you came to stay on the farm in the summers. You decided to check it out, maybe you would be able to find some affordable seeds with the little gold you had left from your move to Pelican Town.

As you stepped foot off of your property, you realized you hadn't met anyone in town besides Mayor Lewis and Robin. Making friends didn't come particularly easy to you, and you were worried about what the people of Stardew Valley would think of you. What if they stared? What if they think I'm weird? You looked down at your messy farm clothes. What if they think I'm a slob?

You quickly tried to clean yourself up as you approached the main square of Pelican Town. You tucked your yellow flannel shirt into your torn jeans as you looked at the array of buildings in the small town. From the point you were at, you could see a neat little row of houses, a cemetery, a restaurant by the looks of it, and a small strip containing what appeared to be a couple of shops. You approached them and realized that one of the stores was a small medical clinic and the other was the seed and grocery shop you remembered so fondly.

You rushed over to the doors and pulled hard, only to realize that they were locked. The sign on the door read:

Pierre's General Store

Open 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM

Closed on Wednesdays

You sighed as you checked your watch. It was only half-past eight in the morning. You looked around, trying to find some way to entertain yourself for the next half hour until Pierre's opened. Next to the doors, you noticed a bulletin board, which boasted a detailed calendar listing everyone in towns' birthdays as well as all of the significant holidays celebrated in the Valley.

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