"Chresanto is a man whore and has been with every single girl in the school, including us . Kayla was his ex but the thing was that she was new just like you soo Chresanto thought that she would be an easy target. He sees you and all he sees is sex nothing else"-Amy huffed 

"Really?"-I asked in disbelief 

"Yeah girl. We're just warning you just in case if he tries to get to you just remember what we said alright?"-Kayla asked

"Yeah.... Sure"-I thought about it for a while then gave them a fake smile, looking away, being silent for the rest of the journey 

When we got to school, I said bye to my girls and went to my locker. To my surprise, "Man Whore" was standing there cheesing like a fat kid who just got the biggest slice of cake. 

"Well hello to you too & that ass is looking just right"-Chresanto bit his lip and smacked my ass hard

It took everything in me not to scream. I rolled my eyes before facing him .

"What do you want, huh?"-I asked 

"What's wrong with you today? Normally you're all happy and shit"-Chresanto took a step back 

"I just have a lot on my mind after what I heard this morning"-I said facing backing to my locker 

"Heard? Heard what ? About who?"-Chresanto asked

"Well .. You"-I took my books out for first period and closed my locker then faced Chresanto 

"Me? What about me?"-Chresanto asked seeming a little nervous

"I know what you do Chresanto"-I said and started walking off 

"What do I do?"-Chresanto asked as he followed me

"Sleep around with girls then you wont even remember them the next day. Why Chresanto? I thought that you would be a sweet guy who's into relationships but by the looks of it, you can't even keep on for 2 days"-I rolled my eyes

"Fine. So I'm a Player I like to sleep around with girls so what?"-Chresanto shrugged 

"I really liked you until I heard the ugly truth about you"-I walked away, leaving him dumbfounded

I seemed to be less worried throughout the day now that I had confronted him about the situation.

It was now lunch and I thought about the situation and how hard I may had of been on him so I thought that I would go and apologize, on my way to his locker, I saw him making out with the new foreign exchange student, I gasped and I supposed that he heard me because his eyes bulged as soon as he saw me. I quickly turned on my heels and speed walked into the lunch room. Wow Yn you was really gonna apologize to that dog? Hell no !  

I got my lunch and sat down with the girls, we were talking about what we were gonna do for the summer break which was slowly approaching, when I rudely got interrupted by Chresanto as he tapped me on my shoulder.

"Well I don't know bout yall but I'm planning to be cuffed this summer"-Amy flicked her Brazilian weave

"Truu"-We all agreed

"I just can't wait to go shopping !"-Kayla squealed

"RIGHT! Just imagine the cute bikinis we are gonna be-"

"Sorry to interrupt, hey ladies, Umm... Yn can I just speak tot you quickly .. In private"-Chresanto asked in more of a demanding tone

"Wow. Whatever"- I rolled my eyes and threw my napkin on the tray then followed Chresanto out of the lunch hall

"What do you want?"-I folded my arms and gave him attitude

"It's about what you saw earlier"-Chresanto said

"Well it justifies what is being said about you. If we are done here, I would like to go back to finish my lunch, thank you"-I walked away but was pulled back by Chresanto

"Look I may be a player But that doesn't mean that I still can't have a normal girlfriend. I'm really feelin' you, girl"-Chresanto said with such pleading eyes

"Chressy baby !"-Amaiyah ran to Chresanto in her fake Tom Ford heels

"Uhh .."-Chresanto sorta smiled

"Ooh, sorry was I interrupting something here?"-Amaiyah smirked

"Please, stay ! I was gonna leave anyways. Bye Chresanto"-I glared at Chresanto and gave Amaiyah a fake smile before heading back to lunch 

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