you can hit my phone 24/7

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holy shit.

there's no way that just happened. I just saw Xander. This cannot be real. Alright, you know what. Ash, you lived through this. It's past you. It's up to you to save Xander's life. You can get out of here, and start over. Forget everyone about Cobra Kai, and your parents, and California as a whole...and Hawk.

I flop down on my bed staring up at the ceiling fan as my heart pounds.

There is no way I got away with all of that. There's a knock at the door.

"Uh...come in?"

A familiar red headed boy slowly opens and peaks through the door. His mohawk isn't fixed and he must've gotten ready to go to how long have I been thinking over what happened?

"Since when do you knock?" I ask him laughing

"I'm sorry." He says staring at the floor.

Did Hawk, just say he was SORRY? Sorry has hell frozen over yet? Somebody pinch me.

"For everything. I've been...a horrible person to you. And you've gone through...a lot more than you let people see. You deserve to be treated a lot better than what I've done...and you deserve a place much better than The Valley. I'm so sorry you've had to see me like this...I don't even know who I've become. I've...I've been doing more fighting in my head than I ever had in the dojo. I've been hearing these..uh, voices. I guess? This is the first time I've been able to actually...admit it to you normally. I feel like somethings wrong with me. They won't be quiet sometimes and they turn me into a different person. I don't like whoever that is, but it's not me. It's made me almost kill people, ruin my friendship with Demetri and Miguel...make me look like a idiot infront of you, it ruined my relationship with Moon..and I'm just sorry. And I have no idea what to do." He says breaking down at the end.

My mouth just stays stapled shut as I hold the broken boy who's shaking, knowing that at any moment I could very easily become his enemy.

A/N: was this INCREDIBLY short? yes, yes it was. am I sorry? TREMENDOUSLY. soooo long time no see. I realized I hadn't updated since like June...wellllll here we are. I'm gonna try and get back into the groove of writing. I've got finals coming up, and life has been uh...crazy to say the least. I lost my dad about 2 months ago very unexpectedly, and honestly that just pulled me away from anything I previously enjoyed. But, with the release of season 4 coming out in less than 2 months...I figured I should wrap up the ending of season three pretty soon with this story to begin on season 4. Updates will be slow, and probably short. But I'm trying my best my friends. I adore you all so much.

much love.

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