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"Holyyy shit

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"Holyyy shit. Ya know what I just realized, this is the kid with the lip! Yo I thought he moved" Kyler mocks as usual

"Oohhhh shit! You're right! The haircut it distracts you from it though!" Brucks adds on and I instinctively lift my finger up to cover my lip.

"Aright class! Let's the game begin." Sensei Kreese bellows out as we all fall in place.

A few moments of silence pass.

"You...and...you." Sensei Kreese says pointing at Kyler and Assface slightly chuckling.

Assface nails a kick straight to his nose.

"Now you're dead." Kyler utters

Punches are thrown, sweeps are attempted, then all of the sudden Kyler flips him over and chokes Assface out. He taps.

Silence is heard for a second before Sensei Kreese says

"Finish him."

Kyler sends a punch straight to his face.

"Where you going? You lost to an untrained fighter. He's going to take your spot on the team." Kreese tells Assface as he begins walking back to his spot.

I have to speak up.

"Sensei, Assface has been loyal to the dojo."

"I'm afraid he's not...Cobra Kai material. I told you, only the strong with survive."

A few more rounds pass.

Ash kicks some scrawny wrestler dudes ass. I zoned out though...I couldn't focus on her.

Tory is fighting this other girl now, and is demolishing her. Ash is cheering her on from the side, like a little puppy. But one of those poppies that wears the spikey collards. And bites. Cause...she bites.

"You chipped my tooth bitch." The girls says from the ground.

"You needed braces anyway." Tory counters.

"Good job Nichols, you know the drill, off the mat." Kreese tells the girl.

"You...big boy." Kreese calls over Brucks.

"Awhhhh yeahhh, who's goin down next!" Brucks says in excitement. I feel my blood boiling. I feel like my head might explode. There is no way in hell I am letting this actually happen.

•verbatim• hawk CK ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now