Chapter 7: Academy Days

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Chapter 7: Academy Days

-2 Years Later-

Naruto was now 8 and enrolled in the academy along with most of the clan heirs and some civilian children. There was the Nara's clan heir, Shikamaru, the Akimichi's clan heir, Choji, the Yamanaka's clan heir, Ino, Aburame's clan heir, Shino, Inuzuka's clan heir, Kiba, Hyūga's clan heir, Hinata, Uchiha's clan second heir, Sasuke, one of the few loyal Uchiha left alive.

Itachi and Shisui had worked together to wipe out all of the Uchiha clan after they attempted to have a coup d'etat. Itachi and Shisui were loyal to the village before their family, so they reported the actions of their clan to the Hokage. The Hokage tried to reason with Fugaku, but before they could reach an agreement, they tried to launch the coup d'etat.

Naruto also picked up learning fuinjutsu to follow in his clans and father's footsteps when he was 7. It was difficult for Naruto at first to stay put and read, but later got engrossed in the theories and capabilities of fuinjutsu that it was no longer a hassle for Kurama to tell Naruto to stop complaining.

Jiraiya came back to Konoha to check on Naruto's seal as Hiruzen requested. After giving a thumbs up to the Hokage, Jiraiya asked Naruto if he wanted to get to know each other more due to Jiraiya being his godfather. Spending time with Naruto, Jiraiya decided to teach him battle strategies and other useful information for him to win fights faster. Before Jiraiya left he recommended Naruto to use Kenjutsu so he can be an all around shinobi, possible of taking anyone down.

With that he went to Kakashi to ask for Kenjutsu lessons. Kakashi, not really well in Kenjutsu, directed him towards Hayate and Yūgao to learn from. Yūgao was ecstatic about teaching Naruto. She saw him as a little brother as well due to being close friends with Kushina due to her being her sensei. Naruto gladly accepted her as his big sister, making Yūgao even more happy, and was taught Kenjutsu from the couple.

Naruto's friendship with Hinata also grew due to them spending more time together. Sitting next to each other in class, and spending time after school with each other led Hinata losing her stuttering. She will still blush if Naruto complimented her or did anything more. Naruto was also friends with Shikamaru, Choji, Shino, Sasuke, and Kiba. Naruto didn't like Kiba that much due to the way he looked at Hinata however. He also didn't like how most of the girls in class were more focused on Sasuke than becoming actual shinobi. Due to him being kidnapped by Danzo, he wanted everyone close to him to be ready for anything.

Naruto and Sasuke were hostile towards each other at first, but the closer they got to becoming genin, the closer they got. They both loved to spar against each other, train with each other, and hang out with each other in silence. To others it might not seem fun, but to the two boys, it meant more than words can do. They both went through something that no one their age should go through, and they used that to bond with each other.

Naruto didn't get along with most of the girls in the academy. He got along with Hinata, but the rest of them he couldn't stand. They were more focused on their infatuation with Sasuke than becoming stronger to survive in the shinobi world. Every time he tried to help Sasuke out by telling them to focus more on their training than Sasuke, so they might be able to live long enough to marry Sasuke, they always called him names and yelled at him. Naruto just gave up on trying to get through to them so he asked Sasuke if he wanted to sit with him, which Sasuke agreed to so he can avoid the fangirls.

Which brought them to the present day, where Sasuke's fangirls were yelling at Naruto to get up and move so that one of them would have a chance of sitting next to the Uchiha boy. He had dealt with their shouts and yells of complaints, he had dealt with some of their harassment, and he had dealt with their abuse. But he drew the line when they would start to complain and harass his friends.

"Hey Hinata!" A random civilian girl shouted out. "Since the blonde baka wont move, you'll have to."

Naruto turned to glare at the girl, but either she didn't see or she just ignored Naruto. Hinata just looked down and started to shift around in her seat, uncomfortable from the situation. After a second attempt of the civilian girl trying to pressure Hinata into moving, Naruto had gotten fed up with her.

"I'd like it if you'd stop asking my friend to move." Naruto said in an icy tone.

The civilian girl frowned and then snarled at the Uzumaki. "I wasn't talking to you."

"I don't care, I'm talking to you now. Leave."

The girl was about to snap back, but before she could Sasuke spoke. "Leave. You're annoying."

The brown haired civilian girl looked like she was about to cry as she quickly obeyed the Uchiha boy's request and fled away. Naruto turned to face him and smiled.

"Oi. Thanks for that, but if you keep telling them off like that, how will you get a girlfriend?"

Sasuke looked him dead in the eyes as he responded. "I don't like girls."

Naruto was left speechless until he heard his friend chuckle lightly. He frowned and playfully punched his arm. "Damn it, I actually believed you."

"Hmhm, it's because I mastered the Uchiha poker face."

"No It's because I actually think you're gay."

Sasuke face faulted and the shouts of the fangirls had increased. After picking himself up, Sasuke punched Naruto's arm. "Not funny dobe."

Naruto rolled his eyes. Iruka soon entered the classroom after that and they began class. The Uzumaki took in a deep breath and looked around. He saw all his friends and classmates there with him, he saw that he wasn't alone. He smiled warmly and looked back towards Iruka.

'I'm not alone anymore.'

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2021 ⏰

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