Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Meetings

-2 Months Later-

Naruto chose to live in his own apartment that was being paid for by the Hokage. He was offered to stay at Kakashi's or the Hokage's place, but he politely turned it down. The reason for doing so was because he had a dark side to him that he was still having to deal with. After being alone for the first time after the retrieval mission, Naruto broke down and cried for a while being comforted by only Kurama. Kurama became the only one who Naruto can turn to when he needs trouble dealing with the darkness in his heart. A month after the retrieval mission Naruto was starting to brighten up. Having accepted that he has a dark side, he has the light side to balance himself.

During the two months, Naruto took up training with Kakashi. Developing a new, unique taijutsu style for Naruto was difficult and still in a work of progress. Another thing Kakashi had Naruto do, was to increase his chakra control by first walking up a tree, then walking on water. Kakashi tried to teach Naruto how to stick a leaf to his head or palm by focusing chakra on a specific point, but dropped it when he burnt it after the 221th attempt. Poor leaves.

Kakashi had Naruto try to master the 3 academy jutsus before Naruto could try to use the ones he took from Danzo. The substitution jutsu was picked up quickly by Naruto, the transformation jutsu was harder for Naruto to pick up but he eventually got it down, however the clone jutsu was impossible for Naruto to get down. Kakashi had made a few guesses why but decided to take Naruto to the Hokage to get his opinion on his guesses though.

"Come in." The Hokage said through the door after Kakashi knocked on it. "Ah Kakashi, Naruto-kun, what can I help you with?"

"Hello Hokage-sama, I've come to ask your opinion on something and possibly a jutsu to teach Naruto if you agree with my opinion." Kakashi stated with an eye smile.

"Very well then, what do you need my opinion on?"

"Whether or not to teach Naruto the shadow clone jutsu." Kakashi said. "You see I think he keeps failing the clone technique because of his chakra reserves. I think they're just too big to use the regular clone jutsu."

Hiruzen had to think about what Kakashi was saying. He had to admit it did make a lot of sense on why the boy couldn't get the clone jutsu down after completing some chakra control techniques. "Well I'll let you teach it to him after I make sure just how large his chakra reserves are. ANBU, bring Hiashi here please, tell him I just need a quick favor."

The Anbu nodded then used shunshin to quickly ask for Hiashi and reappear with him in the Hokage's office.

"Hello Hokage-sama, for what do you need me for?" Hiashi asked as he looked around to see Naruto, who waved at him and Hiashi waved back, and Kakashi, who pulled out his book and started reading.

"I need you to give me an estimate of Naruto-kun's chakra levels. We believe he simply has too much chakra to complete the regular clone jutsu so Kakashi here asked for permission to teach him the shadow clone jutsu."

Hiashi nodded to the Hokage and activated his Byakugan to see Naruto's chakra. Hiashi's eyes widened but slowly returned to normal after a moment. "Hokage-sama, Naruto here has more chakra than me at this point."

"Hmm. Probably due to his time being trained with ROOT that made his chakra levels increase that high. Of course I already knew he had high chakra reserves due to being a jinchuuriki. I guess it will be possible for him to learn the shadow clone jutsu, you have permission Kakashi."

"Thank you Hokage-sama."

"Thanks Jiji!" Naruto spoke for the first time during the whole time being there.

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