The bell rang, and Chrissie and I headed off to first period English. My own personal hell. Miss Embly had promised us she would give us this lesson to work on our projects, the one due tomorrow that I hadn't even started. And to make matters worse, I would have to communicate with Caspian the whole time.

When I got to class, Caspian was already waiting for me, dangerously rocking to and fro on his chair. One of his long legs was stretched out behind my chair.

"Do you mind?" I obnoxiously asked.

"I do actually," he smirked, but he still moved his legs.

I slid into my chair.

"This yours?" He dangled my necklace from the clasp, offering it to me.

I put out my hand, but he immediately snatched it back.

"We need to talk first." He looked straight into my eyes, daring me to argue.

I wanted my necklace back. I would have to listen to what he had to say, but I had already decided that I would not forgive him.

He ran a hand through his hair, before walking over to Ms. Embry. He engaged in a quiet conversation with her, before walking back to me.

"We're allowed to work in the library," Caspian told me.

I swung the strap of my bag over my shoulder, and followed Caspian down the hallway.

He sat down on one of the library tables and gestured for me to do the same, I sat down opposite him. I chose to look at the various books behind his head, instead of his face.

"We should be working," I said, trying to save myself from the uncomfortable conversation that loomed ahead. "This has to be finished by tomorrow."

"We haven't even started," Caspian stated as he rolled his eyes. "And for the record neither of us even intend to start."

I couldn't argue with that.

Caspian slipped his hands in his pocket and pulled out a Samsung. He held the phone out to me. I made no move to take the phone; instead I looked at him in confusion.

"Janet's phone," he clarified, placing in on the table and pushing it towards me.

It would have stupid to shun him after he went through the trouble to get the phone, plus I really needed it. I snatched the phone; I might as well use it.

"I thought you weren't going to help me." I held the phone to my chest.

"I promised to get the phone, and I never break my promises." Caspian put his hand on mine, but I shrugged mine out from under his.

"How did you manage to get it?" Curiosity forced me to ask the question.

"I have my ways," Caspian smirked, not answering my question.

"My necklace?" I held out my hand.

He put his hand on top of my outstretched palm. "Aren't you going to say thank you?" he enquired, squeezing my fingers.

I shook my head, not wanting to give in to his charming ways. He'd give it back eventually. Why would he want to keep a girl's necklace?

"If I say sorry, can things go back to normal?" Caspian gazed deeply into my eyes.

"Normal as in before we..." I couldn't finish my sentence. Normal was him and the Stingers, not him and me.

"Normal as in me sneaking into your room. Us solving this mystery together. The stolen kisses." Caspian leaned his whole body over the table and brought his face closer to mine. I could feel his warm breath on my face, tempting me closer. I pulled my head back, before we could make lip contact.

In my heart I knew I forgave him the minute he started talking, but he was too much of a distraction. I could get more done without him. I mean, it would be easier for me to talk to Victoria Herim if he wasn't with me. I had his Stinger hoodie, so I was pretty much safe from any other gang activity going on in the area. I used him to get to where I was now, I know it was wrong, but I didn't really need him anymore. The two of us were never Endgame. We were never meant to last. I might as well save us both from further pain, while I still could.

"We're over," I told him. Those two words were enough to make him fall back into his chair, pained shock evident on his face. I quickly got up before I could change my mind, and rushed out of the library with tears streaming down my face. 

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