Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Hacking

"Is that your mother?" Caspian asked, peeking out of the library window.

"Yip," I answered. My mother stood outside under the shade of the willow tree, her dark hair blowing with the wind. She had on a thin sleeved grey shirt and black leggings. If she really wanted to blend in she would have worn army-coloured or neutral coloured clothes, like she usually did. I guess she wanted me to know that she was watching me, like the helicopter mom she was.

"Now what?" I asked, pacing back and forth between the rows of books. It was almost impossible to feel anything but calm in this sort of sanctuary, but yet again this was a special case. Books lined each wall, each holding a different captivating story that would surely sweep anyone off their feet.

"You seem anxious," Caspian observed. "You need something to calm you down? Coffee? Tea?" He paused, trying to build up suspense by winking. "Or maybe a kiss?"

"This is serious," I chided, but deep down I did want a kiss.

"The library has a back door," Caspian replied nonchalantly.

I sighed, relieved that I was with the one person who knew the school back to front and front to back.

Caspian walked me to his car. The sun reflected off the car, making it look shiner than it was.

"Is it too late for you to give me a kiss?" I asked, batting my eyelashes seductively.

Caspian lowered his head. I held my breath. He lightly pressed his lips to my cheek, so softly it was almost non-existent.

"Oh," I said.

"Was there something else you had in mind?" Caspian teased.

"No." I humoured him..

Caspian smirked, before climbing into his sporty sedan.

I climbed in the passenger side and told Caspian the Swenlow's address. The drive wasn't long, and with Caspian driving we reached our destination in record time.

Caspian held the car door open for me. I climbed out slowly, feeling the anxiety rise. As soon as I was out the door, Caspian started backing me against the car.

"Still want a kiss?" he whispered into my ear. He was so close I could feel his warm breath on my face.

I shook my head, placing both my palms on the cool surface of the car.

"Liar," he accused, running his thumb across my bottom lip. He swept a few stray curls out of my face and molded his lips to mine. He grabbed my waist and lifted my body off the floor. He supported all my weight as, he kissed me. I was beginning to feel lightheaded. How long can humans go without oxygen? I broke away, gasping for air.

"Are you trying to kill me?" I teased.

"I thought you were immune to my charisma," he replied.

Before I could reply a spectator to our affection chimed in, "You guys done?"

Caspian and I looked towards the door.

"How long have you been watching us?" I asked Chrissie. She was dressed in sweatpants with a cute, plain, black top; and her hair was piled on top of her head into a messy bun. Her lip gloss had faded to a light pink and her cheeks were red, probably because she had just been in the sun. Or was it embarrassment at watching me and Caspian?

"Since when do you enjoy sharing mouth germs?" she bantered, ignoring my question of how long she had been watching.

Caspian laughed and brushed his lips quickly against mine, before leading me to the front door.

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