She looked over to the side of the room, where Alfred was still shoving his face with food. She rolled her eyes and observed everyone in the room. Lovino left to use the restroom. She stayed clear of the dancers, but was still in a crowed. A man with a long black ponytail was walking around showing off a young boy about her age with thick black bangs. "Everyone look! I was able to get my hands on this little one! I am a mentor-aru!", no one was paying attention to him, but the young boy bowed and greeted everyone.

"Hello stranger", a low familiar voice was heard and Esmeralda quickly turned around to be facing Netherlands. "Liam! Hey!", she greeted him happily. She missed the man, truly, even though she only knew him for a day. "Long time no see! Look at you! You're all grown up! So Spain's parenting enters the teen years huh? Come on, bring it in!", he opened up his arms and slightly bent down. Esmeralda laughed and leaped into his arms. She hugged him tightly and snuggled against his warm body. They pulled away and Esmeralda looked up at the tall man. His suit jacket was a pale yellow that complimented his skin tone. His hair was still sticking all the way up and he still had that crazy danger look in his eyes. "Good to see you remember me! Let me guess, Spain won't let you talk about me?", he grinned. She shook her head, "He's so possessive. He won't even let me write letters to France and Prussia and I see them all the time!". Netherlands raised an eyebrow, "That's interesting. Be careful okay. Spain can get pretty...nasty. With you being his main colony, he won't let anyone touch you". Esmeralda frowned. "Hey! Lighten up kid! I know you don't like the guy, so if you ever need a break or breather from the bastard, come find me. I'd be glad to keep you good company", he offered kindly. She smiled, "You should've never made that offer. You'll be seeing a lot of me". They both laughed. "And who says that's a bad thing! Oh man, Spain will be pissed though. Thinking I'll take you away from his teachings and erase the perfect little image he has set up in his mind for you. But you're a little rebel aren't you, so it won't bother us! Seriously though, if you ever need anything, no matter what time of day, I'm here", he patted her head. "You rock", she smiled. "You know it! I gotta go. Stay wild kid", he gave her another hug and went off on his own way. Esmeralda was happy for the offer. For the escape. Not that she was going to abuse it. It was just comforting to know she had somewhere to go.

Alfred ran up to Esmeralda, "Hey! Isn't this party great! There's someone you need to see!". Before she could respond, she was being dragged over to the tables. He led her over to one in the back. A young boy holding a little polar bear sat quietly. "Matt look! I found her!", Alfred screamed in his ear. Esmeralda's jaw dropped, "Mattie! Oh my God it's you!". Canada looked up and smiled. You could see the genuine happiness that came over him, but he was too shy so he just waved. "Hello", he waved softly. She lunged at him, trapping him in a hug. He hugged her back securely. "It's good to see you. Alfred's been telling me all about you", his voice was soft, especially compared to the other two. Alfred blushed and tried to defend himself but Esmeralda moved on. "God I've missed you. Look at you! You're so tall!", she smiled and looked at the Canadian. "Yeah. I've missed you too", he gave a shaky smile. "Why are you so nervous? Oh dear. You've grown shy!", Esmeralda said as Mathew blushed. France called the Canadian over. He looked at his brother and friend sheepishly. "I have to go. You look really pretty Esmeralda. I hope I see you again. You really damaged Al with your disappearance", Alfred blushed once more. Esmeralda gave Mathew a tight hug before he left.

"He's so adorable! God I've missed that quiet little kid. So is it true? My disappearance damaged you?", she turned towards Alfred and stepped closer. He was still blushing, "I think I've already made that clear". He gave a short laugh. Esmeralda suddenly remembered that this was their last night together and crashed down. She frowned, "It's happening all over again, but this time, we know it's happening and can;t do anything about it. And this time, I have to look you in the face and say goodbye...". Alfred squeezed her hand, "Hey, don't say it like that. You're gonna make me cry and heroes don't cry. Just remember our promise. Once we're free, we'll be together". She looked up at him and forced a smile. His bow tie was crooked and he tried to fix it but ended up making the whole thing come loose. "Fuck. Now I have to go find Arthur", he mumbled. He gave Esmeralda an apologetic look before running off. "Why do I keep being left by myself?", Esmeralda questioned as she became self aware.

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