End Of Thinking Capacity

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"What did you say?! I refuse!"  Xiao Zhan banged on the desk in Mr Xiao's study

"Xiao Zhan what father did this all for your good"

"My goodness or the goodness of the Company and also father?! I don't want to marry because of an arranged marriage! I want to marry because of love!".

"Love? Where's the proof of love? Even until you were 30 years old you've never been in a relationship!"

"That's because all this time I've been trying to be a child that my father is proud of! I worked hard since I was little for it! I have always been an outstanding student getting various awards".

"That's enough! I don't want to listen to your complaints anymore, Xiao Zhan! You will soon marry Mrs. Wang!"

"She's 8 years older than me, dad?! and she's also a widow with one child!"  said Xiao Zhan screaming in frustration

"She's still young and beautiful! Do you want this company that has been struggling for years to go bankrupt!"

"selfish dad!"  Xiao Zhan slammed the door of his father's study and left the room.


In the end, Xiao Zhan married Wang Yangzi, a 38-year-old woman who is a Group CEO and a widow with one child, but when Xiao Zhan married, his only son, Wang Yangzi, was not present because he did not approve of his mother's marriage.

When Wang Yangzi was young and just graduated from high school, he had an 'accident' at his graduation prom night due to drunkenness and unconsciousness, he slept with his former alumni classmate who was present at the event, Liu Haikuan.

Not long after that incident, Wang Yangzi became pregnant with Liu Haikuan's child, but the Wang family did not allow him to marry Liu Haikuan because the man was not a rich person who was considered commensurate with the Wang family.

Initially Wang Yangzi was also told to abort the pregnancy by the Wang family because it was considered a shame for the family, but the fetus in the womb was very strong as if the child in the womb refused to be aborted.

And sure enough when he was born, the baby boy became a formidable child until now he was 20 years old, a handsome young man, who was crazy by women and men because of his very charming face.

Wang Yibo wanted his parents to unite and get married, but in reality, Liu Haikuan's love for Wang Yangzi since he was a teenager has always been one-sided because Wang Yangzi never returned his love and thought Wang Yibo's 'presence' was just an 'accident'.

On his mother's wedding day, where his blessing was held at the church and his reception at the international star hotel, of course Wang Yibo did not want to attend and instead spent time at the apartment of Liu Haikuan, his biological father.


"Xiao Zhan this is your room" said Wang Yangzi showing a spacious room.

Xiao Zhan didn't want to share a room with Wang Yangzi even though they were officially married, of course this made Wang Yangzi disappointed and sad, because Wang Yangzi was already attracted to the handsome Xiao Zhan.

But Wang Yangzi relented and would take an approach to melt Xiao Zhan's heart to be open and willing to accept him as he is as husband and wife.

"Thank you! oh yeah where is your son? I haven't seen him since we got married"

"You don't have to think about Yibo, he's fine, he's with his father"


"Yes, then good night Zhan"

"Good night Yangzi" and Xiao Zhan closed the door to his room.

Xiao Zhan threw his body on the king size bed and thought about how strange it is that a mother doesn't care where her child is or hasn't even come home all day from yesterday.


The next morning, the sound of a very loud motorbike entered the garage of the Wang family residence, Xiao Zhan peeked through the window and saw a young man taking off his helmet.

There was a young man with a charming face and a very cold face, his skin was as white as snow, his lips were as red as a cherry, his slanted eyes shone sharply, his nose was sharp, the handsome young man entered the Wang family residence.

Xiao Zhan's heart skipped a beat seeing it, is this what is called love at first sight?  So far, Xiao Zhan has never been in love, let alone dating, but seeing the flat-faced youth, Xiao Zhan's heart seemed to be about to burst.

"Wang Yibo! Where have you been?!"  Wang Yangzi snapped at Wang Yibo who just entered the house

Xiao Zhan came out of his room and went down the stairs when he heard the commotion downstairs, he saw Wang Yangzi's hands crossed to his chest while Wang Yibo looked coldly at Wang Yangzi.

"What do you care?"

"I am your biological mother!"

"oh....mom you say? I don't think you ever thought of me as your son! I was just an 'accident' to you, right?"  he smiled sarcastically.

"Wang Yibo! Watch your mouth!"

"You take care of your new husband and don't mind me! oh, this is your new husband?"  Wang Yibo glanced at Xiao Zhan who had just come down the stairs with the corners of his eyes.

"What the hell are you doing! Say hello to your new dad!"

"Dad? I only have one papa! and will not be replaced forever! So, don't expect me to call your new husband as daddy! in your dream!"  Wang Yibo immediately left Wang Yangzi and Xiao Zhan towards his room.

"Xiao Zhan forgive my son's attitude" Wang Yangzi felt bad

"You don't need to feel guilty, he is my son too from now on, I will try to approach him"

"Really Xiao Zhan? Thank you very much! You are so kind!"

"Of course I will approach him because I like him, he is very charming! I think I have turned but only on Wang Yibo" thought Xiao Zhan.


Wang Yibo threw books in his room, also threw pillows and bolsters, he didn't want his mother to marry another man, Wang Yibo wanted to be like other children where his parents were together and harmonious.

But since childhood, Wang Yibo never got it all, even Wang Yangzi could only order Wang Yibo to do this and that, but he didn't seem to care about Wang Yibo.

Wang Yibo seemed to be just a puppet who would be the successor to the Wang family, moreover he was the only son, there was no love from Wang Yangzi, there were only orders and pressure every day.

It was only Liu Haikuan, Wang Yibo's biological father who had always loved him sincerely and tenderly since long ago, when he was 16 years old, Wang Yibo wanted to move to live with Liu Haikuan and was immediately banned by the Wang family.

If Wang Yibo left the Wang family residence, then the Wang family would lose the only male successor who would hold the Wang Group.

Sakura (Zhanyi) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now