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Su Minshan woke up tied up in a dark place, where he could hear the sound of water dripping down from a height. He was disoriented for a minute before he tried to remember what happened to him after he got into the police car, a black SUV with tinted windows. He remembered that some plain clothes cop told him that Mianmian was in an accident and he was being needed urgently since his wife might be dead soon. That was the last thing he remembered.

But then he took a look around. And realized that even though it was dark, he could still see the outlines of things. Like the table near him, and the faint light that supposedly entered through the door. And he could hear some whispers. He tried to move his head up and take a look around when he saw it. The red light from a camera. And it was pointed at him.

"Sign here." 

He jolted from surprise when he suddenly heard a man talking in front of him. 

"Wh–who?" He was so scared he almost pissed his pants. He knew this kind of scenario would not end well for him since he did the same thing too as a loan shark.

He suddenly remembered every person that he brought back to his own dungeon, to teach them a lesson, pay their debts, or to take their beautiful sister or daughter or wife and sell them to the highest bidder. 

Yes, he was that low. 

And now he regretted everything as he could see his life flashed before his eyes.

"Just sign here and we will let you go." The voice continued. It had the robotic quality, just like a voice changer and Su Minshan shivered from the method. At least they didn't let him see their faces or he would surely not make it out alive.

"What kind of thing should I sign?" He asked the man.

"The document to relinquish your fortune and riches to us. You don't need money where you'll be heading." The voice was so chilly Su Minshan felt the coldness seeped into his bones. And not in a good way. But he could still hear what the man said.

"Re–relinquish my fortunes?" He didn't believe his ears. "Aren't you guys cops? Why did you take me here without any warrant? You know I could sue you! Release me at once and call my lawyer! This is police brutality! I'm gonna sue you and the city, then I'm gonna be even richer because you're so stupid! Hahaha!" He started to laugh hysterically. He couldn't believe his luck! Those stupid cops were so eager to catch the fish they didn't prepare the right proof.

"Who said that we are cops?" 

Su Minshan suddenly turned cold. He tried to remember the sequence of what happened this morning, and after a while he realized that the man was right. They never said that they're the police, or any other law enforcement agency. Fuck.

"Who are you? Do you know who I am? How dare you treat me like this! I will make sure I'll have your heads before this is over!" He started to threaten his way out, because it usually worked. But he only heard a light chuckle as if this was all just a funny joke.

"If only… well, Mr. Su, we are kind enough to not touch you… yet." The man moved closer. "You really don't want to make our boss angry, do you?" He came closer again, and this time Su Minshan could see the face of the man who spoke to him in a very cold voice, and he recognized him. This man was the top rank enforcer of the Ghost King, the number one private military contractor in the country, He Xuan. Compared to this man, he was just a small fish in the huge pond that was owned by this man's boss. 

Why did he do this though?

That was the question that ran through his mind. When he looked at the contract in front of him and read it carefully again, he still did not understand.

"Why? I never did anything to cross you guys." Finally he asked the man in all black in front of him.

"Let's just say that you touch someone that you should not touch." He Xuan smirked and gave Su Minshan the pen. "This one should do. Or maybe you prefer using your blood?" He took out a small curved knife and cut the zip tie on Su Minshan's right hand to sign the paper.

Someone? Who? 

Su Minshan had no idea who he offended to make the Ghost King angry. But it's better to sign and leave the country as soon as possible. He did not want to get involved with the Ghost King, because he still valued his life. He thought about going to one of his contacts, a counterfeiter. He could make a top notch passport for him.

"Oh, if you think about contacting Qwerty, you should just forget it since he works for us now." Qwerty was the counterfeiter he just thought about. "You should go back and repent for your sin. We have all the proof we need, so if someday you have an itch to make a dishonest living, let's say, we know where to find you."

Su Minshan did not need to think twice before he signed the paper that made him relinquish all of his fortunes and properties to a company called Yiling Corp. He thought that the name was very familiar, but not until he finished signing the documents that he remembered that Yiling Corp was Mianmian's ex fiance's company that they took over and left the owner broke. 

"What's your connection to Wei Wuxian?" He asked them in a shaky voice. He couldn't believe that the pushover had enough money to hire He Xuan of all people. Rumor said that not anyone who had money could use his service since he was only loyal to his boss, the Ghost King.

He Xuan who heard the question only smirked as he took the documents away.

"Leave him marinated here for a week then let him go." He ordered his subordinates outside the door, and Su Minshan never felt fear like what he felt right now.

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