Chapter 3

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It was awkward speaking to Mrs. Perfect when I should be Mrs. Perfect. Perfect hair, perfect face, perfect body, perfect confidence, with a perfect boy. I could tell she was comfortable in her skin by how she seemed to float into the room and dance to the beat of the music, becoming one.

"Welcome to room Five Eleven! We're live. Woo hoo!" I cringe at myself, but what can I do?

"I'm always down for a party. I brought the smoke!" Mrs. Perfect pulled out a clear baggy of what looked like blunts from her shoulder bag. I was not a wallflower, I had been around high AF people all my life.

My Nana smoked weed. My mom smoked weed. My play uncle Davion sold weed. Have I smoked any of it?


"Don't." Mr. Perfect stopped me from grabbing a blunt being passed around. "Don't let my sister peer pressure you into her bad behavior."

Glad I did not make a fool of myself over that. "Sister? Oh, yes, yes. She's pretty."

"She's nuts."

Mrs. Perfect was...hold on...Ms. Sister of Perfect was dancing close to Allura, already firing up a blunt and passing it to Allura. Was this allowed or was I going to get a write-up?

Wait, Mr. Perfect was the RA and his sister brought the drugs.

"No worries, I'm covering the residence hall tonight, I'm no narc," he said. He put his arm around my waist, moving me from the door so that he could close it. "But we may have to contain this to a select few. You good?"

"Huh?" He smelled like rainbows.

"You good?"

I have no idea what he just said to me, I was so enamored with his face. The perfectness of it. I have seen lots of cute guys in my lifetime, but I knew there was something different about Mr. Perfect. The hair, the dark brown eyes, the nicely-shaped lips, his smell...he was intoxicating and I was drunk from him.

"Oh, I'm Rayvn. Rayvn Lawrence."

He gave me a sideways, I'm-so-hot, smirk. "Names are always cool. But I placed the name signage on the door, I know who you are."

Too bad I forgot what his name was, he would be Mr. Perfect forever. His sister danced over to us, handing the blunt to Mr. Perfect who refused, before taking a toke herself.

"I'm Gay."

I smiled and nodded like an idiot. What was I supposed to say to that? I had no clue if I was gay, bi, straight, asexual, pansexual, or queer. I found all people attractive. She was attractive, so maybe I was attracted to both sister and brother.

"I have gay friends," I said to her, and I knew it was wrong as soon as I said it. The equivalent of "I have Black friends."

"No, silly, I mean, my name is Gay." She pulled Allura over to her and blew smoke rings at her. "Oh, but I am Bi."

"I love it here!" Allura pulled Gay closer to her as they danced together.

"I'm straight," Mr. Perfect said in my ear.

And I'm confused because watching Gay and Allura dance so close made me feel some kind of way. Most people assumed they were straight until they were not. Maybe the reason I am dateless wonder was because I was waiting for a boy to ask me out when all I needed was a girl.

Hold up, hold up! Boys were cute, boys were hot, and boys made me feel funny things in my stomach. Of course, I was straight.

I turned my attention back to Mr. Perfect. It was because they were sister and brother that I was also attracted to Gay. Sure, let's say it's that.

"Are you two twins?"

"Not even," he said with a chuckle. "I'm a year older. She's a freshman. 'Rents made her come here with me so I could watch her. Keep her out of trouble, y'know, do the big brother thing."

Now he really was perfect.

The others were dancing and talking and getting to know each other, while I stood and watched, taking it all in. I could be studying, but this was not a bad first day of college either. This is why many people attended college, for that first taste of freedom away from our parents.

I did not know any of these people standing in my suite. I assigned my own names to help remember them, but maybe I better start calling them their real names.

"You look uncomfortable in your own crib. Not your type of thing?" Mr. Perfect...I mean Diallo, was still standing next to me, observing everyone. I was not mad that he was not leaving my side.

"I ummm...yeah, it's umm..." I laughed. "No, not my kind of thing. My roommates are both so...out there." Understatement of the year.

"Aye, you want me to break the party up, I will."

I looked around and there were only about a dozen of us there, not really a party, and I was not going to be the party pooper. Hottie Two and Hottie Tres...I had to get their names, were enjoying themselves and my roomies were going to be the popular girls on the floor. I was going to be me, whatever that meant, and though this was so out of my realm, I was enjoying myself.

"No, it's all good. I have snacks. Should I get snacks for everyone? Are you hungry? I have chips, Cookies. Maybe some cheese and crackers." I talk a lot when I am nervous, and I sound like my motor-mouth little sister.

"Naw, come on, just dance with me."

Sweet Baby Jesus, please coordinate my feet so that I can dance like J-Lo while looking sexy like Chloe and Halle Bailey. Not that I think I'm unattractive, maybe a little Plain Jane-y, but knew how to make myself a Pretty Betty when needed. Brown-skinned Barbie with deep dimples I inherited from my father. I loved getting my hair done and changing it up, with braids, a sew-in, or a wig. Make-up was minimal, although Angel taught me a thing or two about make-up from her modeling days.

So yes, I was confident in my looks. Everything else, maybe not so much.

"You're a good dancer."

Did he say that about me? I liked him a lot.

Now as Allura would say, I liked it here!

I danced, caught a contact high, and genuinely got to know my roommates, Allura Cooper, aged nineteen and saucy, and Twyla Roberts, eighteen but with an old soul. My across-the-hall neighbors Hottie Two, Donnell Owens, and Tres, also known as Richmond "Richie" Sawyer, were freshmen as well and were from Kansas City. Best friends from high school. Pretty cool guys.

But la piece de resistance, Mr. Perfect Diallo Azzouzi, and his sister Gay Azzouzi were the two I was intrigued by the most. Freshman year was about to be a hell of a ride.

A/N: I still have no idea where I am going with this story (sounds familiar, that's how I wrote Hook an Angel) but I do know this is a lively cast of characters and I can't wait to delve into all their stories.

Readers, who do you like for Ravyn? Diallo, the chill RA? His sister, Gay, the free-spirit? Hottie two or three are still in play. And of course, there still is the original Hottie Tottie from class.

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