I Am Dieing

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The paramedics brought Drista out on the stretcher, screaming. Tommy stood, holding the door open for them. When he saw Dream, he ran to him.

"Whats going on?!" Dream's head was spinning instantly.

Sapnap took Bruno inside, not sure what else to do.

"I don't know, it happened so fast. I was going to call you. She said the pain was getting worse, and before I knew it she was in so much pain she was throwing up. I panicked!" Tears were streaming down Tommy's face.

Dream put his hands on Tommy's shoulders briefly. "You did the right thing, go home." Tommy didn't need to stick around and potentially get traumatized.

Tommy shook his head and went back inside the house. He would just get a ride to the hospital with Sapnap.

Dream approached a paramedic. "I'm her brother and legal guardian, I'm going with her." He stated, didn't ask.

The paramedic agreed quickly, not being heartless.

Before getting in the passenger's seat Dream had to see Drista up close. He held her hands, flinching as she gripped way too hard. "It's going to be okay. Breathe Drista, breathe."

Drista kept letting out shaky screams. "I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK!"

Dream leaned down and hugged her. "I'll be there, it's okay." He had to let go and move back so they could start giving her oxygen.


At the hospital she was taken in to be examined immediately. They didn't even let Dream go in with her at first. He sat in the waiting room rocking back and fourth until Sapnap, Tommy, And Bruno showed up.

"Is she okay?" Tommy asked, feeling sick to his stomach.

"I don't know, they took her in immediately. Said they didn't want me getting in the way..." Dream was pale with fright.

Tommy sat in a chair and cried. He couldn't help it, he was scared. He never had to call an ambulance before. Not for someone he cared about.

Sapnap sat down and hugged Dream gently. "Just keep thinking positively." He tried to console him.

"Positively?" Dream's voice shook. "What if this is it? What if we leave here without her?"

"Don't say that!" Tommy yelped.

Bruno sniffed the air, wondering where Drista was. He missed her.


Hours went by before a nurse finally called Dream into a private room. He was gone for 20 minutes, leaving the others to think themselves sick.

"Sapnap...she's not going to die, right?" Tommy tilted his head.

Sapnap bit his lip and shook his head. "No, she's not going down without a fight. Whatever it is, I'm sure she'll get through it."

Tommy looked down at Bruno, giving him a pat on the head. "Is Bruno okay?" He tried to distract himself.

Sapnap nodded. "According to Dream the vet said it was canine depression. Maybe caused by...well, this kind of stuff."

"Awe, Bruno." Tommy gave the dog a hug. It felt comforting to them both. Tommy sniffled. "I'm sure your girl will be okay."

Dream came back with a plastic bag.

"What's that?" Sapnap sat up.

"Her clothes, she's not leaving anytime soon..." Dream sat on the chair and let himself emotionally deflate.

Tommy felt his own heart deflate in his chest. "Dream...how bad is it?"

"Her liver is failing, they think they might he able to treat it. Though her body is already really weak...I don't fucking know." Dream cried into his hands. He hated crying in public. Though it happened often since his sister's diagnosis.

"What? Seriously?" Sapnap was in denial. This could easily be the end.

"Huh?! I thought it would be related to her period. Her LIVER is failing?" Tommy didn't want to accept it.

Dream just sat and cried. His sister was falling apart on him. There was nothing he could do about it. Sooner or later he had to accept that his sister wasn't going to live forever. She wasn't going to live as long as him.

They all cried about it for a minute, trying to regain some sort of composure.

"If they think they can treat it... she'll probably be fine, right?" Tommy said hopefully once he calmed down.

Dream was still in the thick of his breakdown, so Sapnap answered. "I'm sure she has a good chance of making it through this. Just...just fucking hope for the best."


Hours later Dream went in the room by himself. Even though Sapnap was worried he wouldn't be able to keep himself together.

Luckily for him Drista was sedated and asleep when he got in the room. He didn't need to hear her cry in pain anymore.

Dream sat by her bed yet again and picked up one of her hands. It was freezing cold, thanks to the harsh frigid temperature of the room. He cupped her hand between his two, trying to warm it up. While rubbing her hand, he realised she still had her ring on. It must of really been stuck on there, if the nurses didn't bother to take it off.

Even though she was asleep and probably didn't know he was there, he stayed with her. Trying to spend as much time with her as possible. She was dieing, everyone was dieing. Even if she lived through this, she wouldn't be with him forever.


That night Sapnap drove Tommy home and went home himself, with Bruno. Dream was stubborn and insisted on staying in the hospital with her over night. Sapnap on the other hand needed an emotional break. Sleeping in his own bed would surely help him feel better in the morning. He believed in Drista, believed she would fight until it was actually her time to go.

Karl came over an hour after he got home, letting himself in. "Sapnap!"

Sapnap ran to him, hugging him tightly. "You're finally here!"

Karl squeezed him in return. "What's going on?" All Sapnap had done, was texted him to say Drista was in the hospital. Not doing well.

Sapnap relaxed in Karl's arms for a moment. "Her liver started to fail, they are trying their best to treat her right now. It happened so fucking fast...Dream is going to be with her all night."

Karl pulled back and looked at Sapnap with fear. Gentle tears started to roll down his face. "Sapnap... she's going to be...okay...right?"

Sapnap didn't reply, making Karl start crying hysterically instead.

Bruno walked by them. He was searching the whole house for Drista. He checked her bedroom, under the blankets, under her bed. He checked the bathroom, then the kitchen. When he couldn't find her, he settled on the couch. Smelling the blankets she was using earlier. They smelt just like her. Bruno laid his ears flat on his head as he presumed that his girl was dead.

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