I Am Unbeatable

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Bruno was excited when Drista came home, but Dream had to keep him from jumping up on her. She had to be really careful not to rip her stitches.

"I feel like shit..." Drista complained as Dream helped her up the steps.

"Me too, it must run in the family." Dream said jokingly and led her to her room. "Your home now, it'll be easier to relax."

"Do you think Tommy will come see me here too?" Drista asked while carefully sitting on her bed.

"I bet he will, actually I know he will. He might be busy but I hear he's a loyal friend." Dream helped her take her hoodie off since she was finding it difficult to move. "You don't need that, it's warm here."

Drista yawned and looked down at her shirt. She had trusted Dream to pack her some clothes to wear home. Now she was stuck wearing a green shirt with a dorky smiley face. "I still hate this fucking shirt."

Dream wheezed and ruffled her hair. "Well you trusted me to pack your clothes."

Drista laid back in the bed and relaxed. She was still in pain but thankfully she had pills to take to make it easier to handle.

"When Sapnap comes home, he's going to come watch TV with you." Dream told her as he covered her up.

Sapnap was at the store getting some groceries and other necessities. Like icepacks for Drista if she needed them. Once he came back Dream was going to go get some things done while Sapnap cared for Drista. He had to make a few phonecalls, and fill out a form online. He was trying to get Bruno registered as an emotional support dog. Then he had to try to find a private nurse to hire. That would be a big help. Realistically Drista needed help with things Dream couldn't help her with.

"Okay..." Drista took a deep breath and got comfortable on the bed. Immediately she fell asleep again. She was sleeping a lot while her body was recovering.

While she was sleeping, Dream decided to check his phone.

Technoblade 🐖

Technoblade: Long time, no see. Are you still alive?

Dream: Oh hey, it's been like a month since we spoke! I'm still alive, just been really busy.

Technoblade: I was on a call with Tommy last night. He told me about your sister.

Dream: Oh, I'm sorry?

Technoblade: What? Don't be sorry, you loser. Why didn't you tell me?

Dream: I didn't think you'd care or want to know? You've only met her once and that was years ago now.

Technoblade: Doesn't matter, you told your other friends about it. I might live further away, but you could of told me this.

Dream: Oh what, you wanted to console me or something? You're not a touchy feely person. You would of just said some ominous quote.

Technoblade: Huh? This ain't about you, you selfish moron.

Dream: Oh, well yeah you're right.

Technoblade: I'll be in town in a couple days. Can I stop by and see her?

Dream: Yeah sure, that might be a big help actually.

Inconvenient (Drista Content) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now