I Am Sorry

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They returned home with bad news looming over them. Drista was due to have her spleen removed in only two days. It was a major surgery that would leave her with a compromised immune system for the rest of her life. They tried to convince Drista to stay in the hospital, but she wanted to go home and Sapnap complied.

"What's your mom's number? I'm going to call and see if she knows anything about Dream." Sapnap wanted to get Dream home before the surgery.

Drista gave Sapnap the number and he headed to his room for a private conversation.

"Do you think a hot water bottle would help with your pain?" Karl asked. His pure heart had full intentions on taking care of her for the next two days. He had already taken time off work to help her.

"Maybe? Probably not, they had to give me stronger painkillers so I doubt heat will help." Drista leaned on the wall by the front door.

"It's worth a try, right? Want me to help you to bed?" Karl offered.

"Sure, I can walk myself. I think the pills are finally working." Drista slowly made her way upstairs.

Karl gave her space, she probably had a lot to think about. In the meantime, he tried to hunt down a hot water bottle.

Drista laid on her bed and simply cried. Nothing but sorrowful sobs and desperate heaves for air. She cried as much as she could, before she physically couldn't. Then as if there was an angel stalking her, her phone started ringing.

She pulled herself together and checked the contact. It was Lani, Lani didn't call ever. Not even when they were constantly hanging out. Lani preferred texting.

Drista answered the call. "Hey, something up?" Drista's voice showed obvious signs of depression.

"Hey- you okay? You sound all stuffy, like you've been crying." Lani immediately became worried.

"Oh I just...a little cold." Drista didn't want to say the truth.

"Are you sure? I keep thinking about you today. Like I was just doing some homework, and you just pop up in my mind. My stomach feels funny, and I get so worried I get a headache. Surely I'm not insane, are you alright?" Lani was experiencing physical pain over Drista. It was scary, what could happen when two people were close.

"That's pretty fucking weird..." Drista mumbled quietly. She was freaked out by Lani knowing something was wrong, without being told.

"I haven't heard from you in awhile...I used to occasionally get a hello from you. It's not much, but I miss it. Something has to be wrong, I can't seem to move past this feeling." Lani knew she struggled with anxiety. Her feelings could be irrational sometimes, but this wasn't one of those times.

It was now or never, Drista figured. "I...I am actually pretty sick."

"Oh wow, I was right...what's wrong?" Lani could never imagine how severe it was. She was thinking something less life threatening.

"I don't want to tell you on the phone, it doesn't feel right..." Drista sniffled and wiped her face in her shirt.

"Oh...Okay, I'm coming now then." Lani insisted.

"I...alright, but don't be startled." Drista warned. Lani had not seen Drista in her current condition. Drista definitely didn't look healthy.

"Oh hush. I'm coming now. If my parents won't drive me, I'll walk." Lani hung up so she could get going.

Drista looked to her side, finally realizing Bruno wasn't there. "Bruno?" She sat up and stepped down from her bed. "Bruno! Come here!" For a split second she was scared she lost him too. Then he came running from her bathroom, with incriminating white tissue on his nose.

Inconvenient (Drista Content) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now