I Am Beautiful

616 29 21

TW// mentions of self h*rm

I feel like this might result in someone killing me, but here's what I had planned depending on what you chose:

Lani: Was going to ask Drista to come over for a sleepover, resulting in her finding out the news.

Natalie: Was going to tell Drista she was thinking about her, and wanted to try a date.

Tommy: Was going to offer her an opportunity. You chose Tommy, so read ahead.

The other two outcomes never happened. :) I think the Tommy outcome is good!

TommyInnit 🙄

Tommy: Hey Drista, I've seen some fucked up posts about you. Are you alright?

Drista: Posts about what?

Tommy: You coming out.

Drista: Oh yeah, I'm aware. I don't really give a damn...

Tommy: I'm sorry those assholes are being so mean. Congratulations on coming out though dude.

Drista: Thanks, how have you been?

Tommy: Pretty damn busy, how are you?

Drista: I'm alright, what have you been up to?

Tommy: Well not many people know, but I'm trying a bit of entrepreneurship these days.

Drista: Oh wow, really?

Tommy: Yeah! Starting my own clothing line. The ladies are going to be all over me.

Drista: Really?? That's actually pretty cool. Can I see any of the the designs?

Tommy: I'm glad you're interested, young child.

Drista: Fuck you

Tommy: Fuck you, prick. I've got a business proposal for you.

Drista: What is it?

Tommy: I'm in need of models, I think you could help.

Drista: I don't know any models though...

Tommy: bloody hell you're dense...

Tommy: I want YOU to model the clothes.

Drista: Me?? Tommy models are supposed to be beautiful.

Tommy: You ain't got mirrors?

Drista: yeah? Tommy I don't have a figure even close to a model's.

Tommy: What? Who the fuck you think I am? Come as you are, model the damn clothes. If I thought you were unsightly I wouldn't of asked. Trust me, you're the pretty sibling. Dream looks hideous.

Inconvenient (Drista Content) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now