12. The First Dance, Prelude: The Jack of Swords

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The girls giggled as they examined the lineup, as each Rabbit, Fox, and Mouse appeared at the front of the ballroom and was presented. Lady Raina made certain that her three students would arrive early to the first ball of the season and everything seemed extravagant.

"Arrive early, and watch as the lords and ladies arrive, each will be announced and in turn, they will all walk down the steps to the great hall," Lady Raina had said, "You will learn a lot about how they carry themselves just by observation. Better to observe before you strike, than to arrive late and have to pick someone out of the crowd already assembled."

The stairwell into the Queen's ballroom was covered in shiny tinsel and acorns. The queen herself loved red and silver and had picked those as her colors of the season. Accordingly, Holly chose red with silver trim for her first dress, and Abigail chose silver with red trim.

Both were met with acceptance by the Queen as they curtsied before her. In a long line of debutantes, they were among the first.

Following her two friends, Freya in her black and brown dress presented herself to the queen. She received a ruffling of the feathers from the Queen, a Sparrow who spoke something to her advisor, a rabbit. Her advisor turned to Freya, expectant.

Freya had her black and white fur done up at the request of Lady Raina. Lady Raina had brought all three of them to be primped, prodded, and brushed that afternoon in a marathon preparatory session. Freya had never felt so... clean. In her direction, Freya picked out a beautiful brown ribbon that accented both her hair and her dress. Seeing herself in the mirror earlier, Freya remarked on how different she looked when not covered in dirt and mud.

"The Queen blesses you as one of the finest debutants of the season," The advisor said drawing herself up, "And wishes you luck in your endeavors. She admires your individuality in a season replete with copies of the same style."

The Queen nodded to this. The assembled ladies and lords gasped as Freya bowed deeply, smiling inwardly. She could get used to being clean and being the center of attention.

"Thank you, your grace," Freya said, standing tall even as every fiber of her being made her want to scream and run. Only the thought of an adorable suitor seeing her have a panic attack in front of the Queen kept her still.

Freya did not recall walking gracefully off, but Abigail told her she had done so. She did not remember walking to her two conspirators, but she had, at least Holly had said as much. In a daze, she did not remember drinking a whole mug of wine, but the empty mug with the wine scent indicated that she had not tasted it.

Then, turning to see the line of suitors she saw the most curious sight. A fox, black and red of fur was gracefully walking down the stairs to the main dance floor. His whiskers twinkled as he walked and Freya noted that his coat was black with red buttons as if to embrace his two-toned fur. A paw grasped hers as Abigail drew a sharp intake of breath.

He seemed to be looking into the crowd as the music began. A waltz drew many laughing couples to the floor. Holly pulled Freya and Abigail to one of the walls.

"What is the game plan here Abigail?" Holly said, "This is the suitor that you've intended to meet, correct?"

Abigail chewed on her lip in what seemed like a bout of ambivalence to Freya. Perhaps it would be difficult for her to actually face someone in a scenario where there were stakes. The game was different when it was real.

"We can speak with him on your behalf," Freya said, "Or, look, he is circulating around the outside of the dance floor. Perhaps he will come in this direction soon."

Abigail had all the optimism that the group needed, at least all the Freya thought the group wanted.

"Perhaps he will come here," Abigail said softly, "But then what am I to say to him? It isn't like I have something special."

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