9. Doll

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"I just think you guys could have been a little less harsh on him" I stated as I sat down on the bus.

"He was being an ass," Coraline said. "He deserved it"

"He just pushed me a little bit" I replied. "It's not like he shot me"

"It's j-just as bad," Wybie said.

"He was probably just in a rush" I defended. "It happens to the best of us"

"You would never be that rude" Coraline denied. I let out a sigh.

"Y'know, you guys have been acting weird recently" I informed.

"W-weird?" Wybie asked.

"Yeah..." I answered. "I don't know. You've been mean to each other and other people"

"We haven't been mean to you" Wybie pointed out.

"Well, yeah...but.." I trailed off. "Look, I just think you've been overreacting a lot recently. And it's making me very uneasy, so if you could calm down, it'd be nice"

"O-of course, we can!" Wybie agreed. "We don't want to make you upset"

Coraline didn't seem so keen on the idea. She scoffed and looked out the window as the bus began to drive. She rested her head on her hand and her face was twisted into a permanent scowl.

"We did it to help you" She grumbled.

"Don't think I didn't appreciate it, I did" I corrected myself. "I just think you two could be a little less...violent"

"Yeah, because him pushing you isn't violent" Coraline sarcastically remarked.

"Not as violent as punching someone" I snapped back. "And not just once, twice. One each. It was surprising, to say the least"

"He deserved it" She mumbled.

"C-Coraline, we upset Y/N" Wybie stated. "The least we could do is try to do better"

"Yeah, whatever" She sneered.

The rest of the bus ride was quiet other than the other students. Coraline was clearly pissed and Wybie was upset that he hurt my feelings. I felt bad about making him upset so I ended up apologizing.

Once we arrived home, Coraline rushed into her house. Wybie decided to walk me home, even though I told him it wasn't necessary. He apologized for his and Coraline's behavior and I told him it didn't matter because it was in the past now. He noticed my 'Lion King' reference.

"H-have a good day, Y/N! I'll see you tomorrow morning for school!" He beamed.

"You and Coraline don't have to wait for me, y'know" I replied.

"We know we don't have to," Wybie said. "But we like too"

"Oh, okay. Although, I don't think Coraline will be waiting for me tomorrow. She seemed pretty mad at me" I responded with a sigh.

"Th-that's a good thing" Wybie smiled. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "N-not that she's mad at you! Just that she won't be waiting"

"Why would that be a good thing?" I questioned with a puzzled laugh.

"N-nevermind. My grandma is probably worried" Wybie brushed off his previous statement. "Goodbye, Y/N"

"Bye, Wybie!" I waved. I walked into my house and was showered with questions by my parents.

"How was school?"

"Did you make any new friends?"

"Do you have homework?"

"What were you and Wyborne talking about?"

"Where was Coraline?"

"Do you like all your classes?"

"Mom! Mama!" I said. They stopped asking questions.

"Sorry," Mama said sheepishly.

"School was great. I didn't make new friends, but that's my fault for not talking to anyone. I don't have homework. And yes, I like all my classes" I answered each of their questions, excluding the ones about Coraline and Wybie, hoping they wouldn't notice.

"Okay, we'll let you go to your room, and be an isolated teenager now" Mom teased. I giggled and headed into my room. I closed the door and quickly changed out of my uniform, into a sweatshirt and shorts. Ah, that's much more comfortable.

I lied on my bed and opened up my bag. I paused and my face contorted to one of confusion. There was a doll in my bag. One I had never seen in my entire life, yet it was so familiar. The reason was that it looked exactly like me.

It had the exact length and color of my hair. The same features and was wearing the exact outfit I was wearing on the day we moved to the Pink Palace. The only difference was the eyes. Instead of my E/C pupils, it was replaced by black buttons.

I gulped and ran my hand along the doll's yarn hair. Who in the hell put this in my bag? And why does it look exactly like me? This is freaky and I have a weird feeling. Maybe it was Mom or Mama? I didn't notice it in my bag at school today at all though. It was like it just appeared. Whoever gave it to me, I wish they didn't. This is scary.

Maybe it was Coraline or Wybie. They could have given it to me as a gift. A very creepy gift. It wouldn't be out of character for them, at least based on what I've seen. With the weird way they're acting, I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of them. Whatever, I'll ask them tomorrow.

I tossed the doll onto the chair of my room and turned the TV on. As I flipped through the channels, all the weird events that happened today left my mind. I paid no attention to the doll, but...

It was paying plenty of attention to me...

(Hope you enjoyed it! As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)

Psycho Nerds~ (YANDERE! Coraline x FEM! reader x YANDERE! Wybie) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now