10. Other Mama and Other Mom

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I placed my phone on my bedside table and plugged it up. I let out a yawn and changed into my pajamas. My Mom had just told me I needed to sleep because I had school tomorrow. I looked to the corner of my room and saw the doll. 

It had fallen to the side and it seemed to be staring at me. I let out a sigh and picked up the doll. This thing is so creepy, there's no way I'm letting it sit in this chair while I'm trying to sleep? I mean, who in their right mind would?

I opened my closet and put it in there, then closed the door. And just for extra precautions, I put a chair on the doorknob. I opened my door and told my parents good night, then finally lied down to sleep. 

I sighed and closed my eyes. It's been a long day. I hope Coraline isn't mad at me. I mean, this whole thing is weird. I thought Coraline and Wybie were friends, but they act like they despise each other. Ugh, I just wish they would act normal. 

My eyes began to feel heavy and I slowly drifted off to sleep. 


squeak squeak squeak

God, what is that sound? Is that a mouse?  Do we have mice? Ugh, gross.

My eyes opened and I saw two mice, sitting against the wall of my room. They didn't look like how I imagined when I heard the squeaking. They were a tan color and wore red jackets with a little top hat.  

I sat up and rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing things. The mice turned to me, let out a big squeak, and ran out of my room. I threw the covers off of me and ran after them. The odd way the mice looked and their clothing made my curiosity grow. 

I tried to be quiet as I dashed after the quick mice. They rounded a corner into the dining room and I slipped on the carpet when I tried to make the turn. I winced, hoping I hadn't woken my parents. I watched as the mice squeezed through a small door and disappeared. 

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and stood up. I got a sharp pain in my side and lifted my shirt a bit. I groaned when I saw a bruise forming. I put my shirt back down and walked over to the small door. 

My hand traced over it. It looked like a door would, obviously. Even having a small keyhole. I hadn't seen the door in my time of living here. Even though it was only a short while. I took a ragged breath and pulled open the door. 

A gust of wind flew out as soon as it was open. I was both in awe and shock at what I saw. There was a long path of purple and blue. It looked magical. The mice went through here? What even is this place? What does it lead to? Am I about to make a stupid decision? Yes. Am I going to regret it? Probably.

I began to crawl through the door, closing it behind me. The path was wobbly and unstable. I felt like I was crawling forever when it was only a minute or two. There was another door at the end that I pushed open and crawled out of. 

I was confused when I looked at my surroundings. It looked exactly like my home, I turned back to the door, it was closed now. When I looked closer, I realized there were small differences, very subtle. 

A piece of wallpaper that was tearing before, was perfect now. The floor was a darker shade of brown, I had never liked the light color it was before. I saw one of the mice and quickly ran after it. 

As I ran through the house I realized that it was all very similar to my home, with simple changes. All of the changes I was fond of. I walked into the kitchen and saw Mama, with her back turned to me. She was cooking something. 

"Mama?" I asked. "It's like midnight, what are y-" I froze when she turned around. Mama stared at me, with an eerie smile, she held a knife in her hand. But, that wasn't what caught me off guard. It was her eyes or lack thereof. Instead of my Mama's big brown eyes, there were buttons, sewn in place of it. 

Psycho Nerds~ (YANDERE! Coraline x FEM! reader x YANDERE! Wybie) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now