12. Other Coraline and Other Wybie

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"So, what did you want to say?" Coraline asked. 

The three of us were in the hallway, walking to lunch. I had been thinking about the dream the entire day. Barely even paying attention to my classes. I had also been thinking about what they said. About a metal hand, moving on its own. It was so weird, and creepy. And they seemed so genuine about it. 

"I had an odd dream last night," I answered. 

"You can tell us about it if you want," Wybie suggested. We were in the lunch line now. The food was mediocre, and that's a compliment. 

We sat down at our table, which was in the far corner of the lunchroom. No one was sitting around us. Yesterday, the tables surrounding us had a few kids, but they didn't today. The kids had all moved. 

"That's weird," I muttered. 

"What is?" Coraline asked. 

"I just..." I trailed off. "Yesterday, people were sitting around us, but now everyone's moved away. Am I already known as the weird quiet kid? I mean, at my old school I was, but I thought that would change here."

"No, it's not that," Wybie said. "Remember that kid from yesterday?"

"The one that you unnecessarily beat up?" I sarcastically asked. "Yeah, I remember." Wybie winced at that. 

"Yeah. I guess word got around," Coraline was unphased by my sarcasm. 

"So...they don't want anything to do with us?" I asked sadly. 

"They never wanted anything to do with Wybie and me," Coraline said. "But, now they are also scared of us."

"Well, I wanted to try and make some friends at this school," I said in disappointment. 

"You have us!" Wybie exclaimed. 

"Well, yes," I agreed. "And you guys are wonderful-"

"I'm wonderful?" Wybie said happily. 

"Yes, you are both wonderful," I nodded. "But, my moms wanted me to have more than two friends."

"You don't have to do everything your moms say," Coraline stated. "It's your life."

"I know that," I sighed. "But, it wasn't just them who wanted more than two friends, I did as well."

"Are we not enough for you?" Coraline asked lowly. My eyes went wide. 

"Coraline, please don't start this again," I sighed.

"Whatever," She mumbled. I held my face in my hands. 

"I'm gonna go use the bathroom, real quick," I said in frustration. 

"A-are you okay?" Wybie asked. 

"Yeah, I'm fine," I lied. I stood up and walked off, into the girl's bathroom. I walked into a stall and locked it. I put my face in my hands and let out a stressed sigh. 

The other world was so much better than this...I wonder if there's a way, I can have that exact dream again? The other Mom and the other Mama said it was real, but that's highly unlikely. I wish it was real, though. 

They said that Coraline and Wybie in their world were better. And that they could make them any way I wanted. I really just didn't want them to be as possessive or scary. And violent. I want them to actually be friends. I know they say they're friends, but they don't act like it. They act like they are enemies. 

I jumped a bit when I heard the bell ring. I grabbed my bag and walked out of the stall. When I walked out of the bathroom I was a little disappointed when I saw Coraline and Wybie waiting for me. I just wanted to be left alone...

Psycho Nerds~ (YANDERE! Coraline x FEM! reader x YANDERE! Wybie) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now