Chapter 1

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"Other side of the phone"


Natsu walked at a fast pace to school; he wasn't late or anything, but he just really wanted to get there. He doesn't even like school, but he couldn't wait to see a certain someone.

Lucy Heartfilia, Natsu's best friend and future wife, according to him. Everyone except Lucy knows how Natsu feels about the blonde teen; they knew he was head over heels in love with her, but to what extent?

Anyway, Natsu had now arrived at school. He practically skipped through the school halls towards the library, where he knew the blonde beauty would be. Upon arriving at the library and not seeing the blonde in her usual corner, he became worried: 'She should be here. Did something happen to her? Is she hurt? I'm going to go find her,' Natsu thought to himself while frantically looking for her.

Natsu ran around until the sweet scent of vanilla and strawberries filled his nose; he instantly knew who it was. There she was walking into the school with her three friends, Levy, Juvia and the demon Erza. Seeing Lucy's smiling face instantly calmed him; without hesitation, he quickly ran over to the group and draped his arm around Lucy's shoulder, breathing in her scent.

"Good morning, luce" he said, staring down at the petite girl. The girl instantly looked up, grinning widely, happy to see her best friend. "Good morning, Natsu" she said, causing him to smile even wider than he was.

"Do we not exist?" Levy asked, but Natsu honestly couldn't be bothered to care about them right now; all he wanted to focus on was the blonde in his arms, but sadly, he wasn't able to do that due to another interruption. "He better acknowledge us before I do something I won't regret," Erza said, sending a chill down his spine (and not in a good way) with her stern tone.

Turning away from his beloved, Natsu faced the rest of the girls and said, in a bored tone, "Morning girls". Yes, they were Natsu's friends, but he really did not want to pay attention to them right now. For him, the time he spent greeting them could have been used to admire his future wife, but they didn't seem to get that.

The bell rang, signaling that classes were about to begin. (AN: I have no idea if that's how it works, in my country we don't have bells to tell us when class starts or whatever) Natsu was honestly glad he and Lucy shared most of their classes together. Sure, there were a few people whom he didn't like in his classes, but Lucy was there, so he didn't care. 

The group of five walked to their homeroom with the girls, especially getting ogled at by many boys, which Natsu wasn't fond of. 'If they continue to look at what's mine, I'll kill em' Natsu thought angrily while unconsciously pulling Lucy closer to him. As if she sensed the sudden change in mood, she looked up and asked if he was okay. He quickly flashed her his signature smile, reassuring her that all was well.

As soon as they arrived at their classroom, most of the group had split up. Natsu went and joined the brawl that seemed to have started in the classroom. Juvia cheered Gray (Natsu's friend and rival) on. Erza sat in her chair, took a piece of cake out of her bag, and started eating while Levy and Lucy talked about the books they had read recently.

A good ten minutes passed before their homeroom teacher Gildarts Clive walked in silencing the rowdy teens. Natsu and the others watched as Gildarts sat at his desk and instantly fell asleep causing the class to resume their previous activities. 


It is the last class of the day; unfortunately for Natsu, Lucy wasn't in this class so instead of paying attention to what the teacher was saying he got out his sketch pad and began to draw, he didn't care what he drew he just let his fingers guide him.

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