Chapter 6: Green Lantern's Light

Comenzar desde el principio

>John Stewart:
I guess you can worry about it later. So anyways here's mine. Today I fought a woman named Ellen Mathers as damn she was strong alright, so much so that we were almost equally match, especially her mastery of swordsmanship while flying with her suit. By this I think I would need to up my game and train myself for the next battle.

>James Rhodes:
For me I just fought Grabel again. So much so that she was really challenging with both her skills and her firepower that it almost equals mine. Hell, she was even in 1 of my nightmares but atleast she's nothing like the 1 in my nightmare as this 1 is actually the type of enemy you'd spare.

And so they all kept talking about it for atleast half the entire time of their lunch as they changed the subject later on. Tony told them of the same "Discount Ultron" he saw as he was atleast you could say 7, 8, or maybe 9 feet tall and it was not only all black but it's glow was red which reminds him of Bruce's Hellbat Suit but it was also carrying 2 swords. But when he saw it it just escaped with the 2 ladies by teleporting instead of fighting back. And so they all wondered of what they'll be facing in the future now. As they finish lunch with only 10 minutes to spare they saw both Kenshi & Ichika outside the school being chase by alot of girls as the 2 of them are basically the people with the most girls after them. As this goes on the 2 kept running and running as Ichika ends up falling behind until... Bruce grabbed Kenshi and hid him somewhere while Ichika on the otherhand was saved by Tony and hid them somewhere where no student could find them.

>Ichika Orimura:
(Breathing heavily) Thanks guys, you saved our butts put there.

>Tony Stark:
Don't mention it Silver Samurai. Although, it should have been me being chased around by girls considering I'm a playboy.

>Bruce Wayne:
Now's not the time Tony.

>Kenshi Masaki:
But either way thanks guys, the girls have been chasing us since the whole semester.

>Tony Stark:

And then they all heard an alarm as another invasion force is coming up. And so Kenshi & Ichika then ran after saying thank you to Bruce & Tony as the 2 of them are making their way to the central control room. Meanwhile Bruce & Tony went somewhere unknown as Bruce hid a Batsuit in an unknown location while Tony activated Model Prime. And so the 2 were finally ready as Batman wears his Standard Batsuit (Because this is what he usually wears) while Tony takes off as Batman took off too with his jetpack. Meanwhile at the central control room Kenshi & Ichika arrived as the others were also formed. Reiri Hida then shows them the location as it's happening from Tengu City and what they saw was none other than Alexis • Kerib in his normal size as he leads an invasion force. As they watch they then saw 2 things flying when as they zoomed in it's both Batman & Iron Man on their way. They even saw Green Lantern & War Machine join in but they brought a military force with them being led by both Garnet Maclaine & Enterprise. Meanwhile the others kept flying as Garnet gave an order to not get Batman & Iron Man for now as they have something more important to take care of.

>War Machine:
(While flying) Hey Batman, call me curious but did you know this would happen or not?

(While flying) I did, all though I wasn't able to tell you, Green Lantern, & Iron Man as there was something we had to take care of.

>Iron Man:
(While flying) And let's just say I'm jealous about it.

(While surfing ontop of her plane) Now's not the time for this you 3. Also, once we're done here then both you & Batman will have to come with us.

>Iron Man:
(Whilw flying) No promises Captain America.

And so they flew and finally made it to Tengu City while Kotori & Ratatoskr watches the whole thing via the Fraxinus. As they all made it they then commenced their attack as they shot down every single Magi-Tech & DEM Robots coming from the portal. As the battle gets heated up they even destroyed Ships, Carriers, etc. As this goes on Iron Man then saw the thing he was talking about as he points it to Batman, Green Lantern, & War Machine. It was none other than Alexis • Kerib as he was just waiting. And so the 4 of them decided to charge at him but Enterprise then warned them.

(While still ontop of her plane) Wait he's stronger than any of you!

But they kept on going anyways as Alexis dodges their attack & then lands on his feet.

>Alexis • Kerib:
Oh what a surprised, you must be the 4 "Heroes" they've been talking about in this world. Well, I'm Alexis • Kerib and I will be--

He was then cut off mid-sentence when Iron Man fired a Tank Missile on Alexis but Alexis dodged it.

>Iron Man:
I don't care for your introductions pal but we're gonna kick your ass Ultraman.

>Alexis • Kerib:
Then so be it.

And so Alexis jumps up to Iron Man as he readies his swords and started slashing but Iron Man was able to dodge and then Batman came in to join the fight as he started shooting bullets from his father's pistols right at Alexis but Alexis were able to cut them and then fired a laser. Batman dodged but Alexis was then next to his left side but War Machine was able to punch him off of Batman's left side. Alexis was so fast that the 4 of them were not able to keep up as when they tried to attack it was all dodged but when they did hit him he just didn't care as he has great durability. They were even hit by his swords as this was a challenging opponent they have ever faced in another world. Enterprise & Garnet tried to help but were also taken down as Garnet then reverted back into Human form while Enterprise is halfway destroyed. Alexis was about to finish everyone off until Green Lantern was able to make a vault and trapped Alexis there. Alexis then tries to break out. Meanwhile outside Batman & Iron Man got up while War Machine was sent flying somewhere in a building when the fight was going on. Model Prime only has 15% left while Batman's suit has some scratches and stuff. And so the 2 of them saw the vault Green Lantern created which gave them time to use 1 of their ultimate weapons.

>Batman & Iron Man:
(Both) In brightest day, In blackest night, Ne evil shall escape my sight. (Meanwhile military forces watches them including enemy hostiles watching them alongside Garnet & Enterprise) Let those who worship evil's might, Beware my power... Green Lantern's light! (Raised their right arms as both transformed).

Iron Man's Model Prime armor was not only recharged but the red colouring in his suit turned green while Batman's standard Batsuit became a Power Ring Batsuit. And then Green Lantern deconstructs the vault as when Alexis charged he was then met by a powerful punch when Batman & Iron Man constructed Jackhammer Gauntlets. And now the odds were kinda even as even though Alexis was fast he wasn't able to dodge and react to most attacks as Batman & Iron Man learned his movements aswell.

(While watching the fight) What an amazing power. (Looks at Green Lantern) You never mentioned Batman having a Green Lantern Ring likw you have?

>Green Lantern:
That's because I'm only keeping my promise to Batman. Especially when he's the mysterious 1 among all of us.

And so Batman & Iron Man fought Alexis and then War Monarch joined in the fight. Green Lantern also joined as the 4 of them were able to fight Alexis while destroying some enemy robots and ships. As the fight goes on Alexis then fires a beam and then the 4 did the same as beams collided. As Alexis' beam gets stronger & stronger the 4 of them made theirs even stronger takes to Oan energy and War Monarch's power as they shot Alexis causing him to be heavily injured. After the battle Alexis then teleported away (Because he was able to just appear & disappear out of nowhere in SSSS. Gridman) while the enemy forces started retreating with only minimal forces left and 1 carrier as thanks to the beam the enemy force had suffered heavy casualties. After the battle was over they all landed back down. War Monarch & Green Lantern started getting Garnet & Enterprise back while Batman & Iron Man gets away via smoke bomb. An hour later the news anchor reported to the people of what had happened after the whole battle was done as it's now the aftermath. A news reporter asked Garnet, Enterprise, Green Lantern, & War Machine questions as they told them of who assisted them in battle. As thanks to Batman & Iron Man's assistance not only they both got followers but so many people started admiring them as heroes even though they're vigilantes as people's hope grew even more after they learned more of their actions (Since, their 1st appearance with Green Lantern & War Machine people's hope rosed up). Meanwhile at Bruce & Tony's dorm they were watching the TV as they're actually proud of themselves for their actions. However Bruce was only filled with suspicion when he and Tony fought Alexis. Now they're both thinking of countermeasures. And when they go outside so many students were talking about the heroic quartet as they became famous worldwide. Iron Man even reminded Kanzashi Sarashiki of the guy in an anine she watches (You know, the Iron Man looking ripoff from Infinite Stratos). So many characters even wondered where they come from.

To Be Continued

Bat & Iron Isekai: Suits Of War & Justice (Batman & Iron Man X Anime Crossover)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora