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Hello guys!

So like the title, this is a rewritten version of Filthy Rejection. I have been told that that story has a very interesting storyline unfortunately my writing skills are just a big fat nah. You can't blame me I was very young when I wrote that. The chapters that I posted was also a first draft.

Not edited or no such things. Same goes to this version. I don't edit what I write. I only rewrite the whole story. All the chapters that you will be reading is a first draft.

This version is a highly requested version and also THANK YOU for clicking this and let's hope this will get more reads than the older version. Currently, the older version has 40k reads.

That is overwhelming for someone like me.

Once again,thank you. Now let's get on with the rules.

1)If you don't like the story, keep your hate to yourself and kindly fuck off

2)Unlike other authors, Im actually okay with silent readers but I love it when you guys vote or comment. Especially comment because I get to reply to you.

3) Just to clear this up real quick, there will be no sequels

4)I do have a very colourful vocabulary (a.k.a cursing) and just to warn you if you can't handle curse words : leave. Don't go commenting on my story saying "Oh my god you swear too much" cause honey please. I WARNED YOU!

5) To some,the story may be cliché and to the readers who have read the older version DO NOT SPILL ANY SPOILERS. Tho this story has a teeny bit of different storyline. Overall, It's just the same.

6) I write for fun and I don't take this too seriously and again my writing may make you feel like you're wasting your time but...just bear with me.

7) Do not do not do not and I repeat DO NOT advertise your story here. If you want readers, here's a tip. Be patient cause they will read your story eventually

8) I understand that my grammar is absolute shit but at least the grammar in this book is better than the old version

Please will you be eh?

Hah! Just testing you.

Okay, that's it! Enjoy the story


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Filthy Rejection is registered and protected by

All chapters and associated are copyrighted. All rights reserved by the owner and creator of this work Sofea Sayani and any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of this work constitues as an infrigement of copyright. Any infringement of copyright is punishable by law.

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