Chapter 4: Foreignor or Kaiju?

Start from the beginning

>Tony Stark:
Considering that Aine's HHG, Zeros, has maybe almost the similar strength as Superman and she isn't weak to kryptonite then I will just have to upgrade the Thorbuster to equal the odds.

>Bruce Wayne:
And since Shido Itsuka has the power of his entire spirit harem then I'll just have to use my Final Batsuit or the Hellbat as he will be a challenge if he were to Inverse.

>James Rhodes:
And since Major Garnet Maclaine can turn into a dragon then I'll have to use my Sentinel Armor subdue her if she is to get angry like what happened to Spiritus & Makina when I heard about it.

>John Stewart:
There's also Enterprise, who can make her energy arrows create deadly projectiles so I'll have to becareful and take her down with my ring's constructs.

And so they talked about the others as they talked about other characters until Ichika, Hayato, Kizuna, & Kenshi asked them if there's any room and they said yes as they let them sit next to them so most of them can atleast get away from their harem for now (You guys would do the same thing if you have alot of girls coming at you). The 4 of them got along with the other 4 as they talk about what they wanna do at school. Tony & Bruce told them that they wanna join the school's intelligence while John & Rhodey told them that they wanna join the military but they also told them of why they didn't yet was because they wanna learn more 1st. They all took the excuse (Since they didn't know those are just excuses). As minutes go on an alarm then sounded as there's Kaiju class threat located at Pearl Harbor and this time it has a Paradox level so massive that it was 12.9 level. And so the intercomm called SSSS. Gridman & SSSS. Dynazenon to the central control room (I'm changing the command room to central control room from now on) as they're all needed. And so they all went and after all that Tony made an excuse and told them he needs to take a shit in the bathroom and he was excused. As Tony runs he was able to use Extremis to hack into the CCTV cameras so that they don't expect Tony as Tony activates Model Prime somewhere where no 1 can see him. As he flies so fast he then made it to Pearl Harbor and told FRIDAY to call in 3FB and follow his location. Meanwhile the Manticore looking Kaiju (With scorpion tail, wings, & breathes fire) then starts wreacking havoc throughout Pearl Harbor as it is making its way to the city. No ordinary soldier could take it down with just conventional weapons as so many were fried Godzilla style. As this is going on Alexis & Isaac watches the whole thing and then the Kaiju was shot by a repulsor blast which got its attention and saw Iron Man. Alexis & Isaac just kept watching as things might get entertaining even though they expected Gridman & Dynazenon (Also, Kaiju Eugenesist were already dead and so was Gauma so Yuta's best friend, Sho, was now the pilot of Dyna-Diver). And so the Kaiju follows Iron Man as Iron Man lures it to sea and as far away from Pearl Harbor as possible. As they both got far the Kaiju was about to attack until it was shot by a big repulsor blast from the back as some giant metal started hitting it 1 by 1 and then it all formed to Iron Man as he forms Fin Fang Foom Buster (AKA 3FB). Meanwhile in the central control room the commanders, Gridman, & Dynazenon characters were watching the whole thing and were amazed that Iron Man has a giant armor. And so they were all still given orders to deploy Gridman & Dynazenon to help out and they followed their orders. As Iron Man figths the Kaiju he uses his newly improved hand-to-hand/boxing skills to the test. And so the 2 of them exchanged blow after blow as Iron Man even uses his Repulsors to more damage as he punches, kicks, & blasts the Kaiju. Although the Kaiju is tough as both fought in a DBZ like style match but gigantic as the 2 even flew to the sky and fought. As the fight goes on Gridman & Gridknight shows up both kicking the Kaiju while Iron Man did an uppercut and punched the Kaiju's face as it flew a bit and landed back down after falling. And so Gridknight told Iron Man to stay out of the fight as he doesn't know what he's up against.

>Iron Man:
Oh please Ultraman, I've fought beings bigger and more powerful than that oversized Manticore.

Now's not the time to argue you 2 because we have a fight to finish.

As the Kaiju gets up Gridman & Gridknight then turns into their ultimate forms as Gridman merged with Max & the others while Gridknight merged with Goldburn & Dynazenon as they turned into Ultimate Gridman & Kaiser Gridman form. Iron Man is amazed but that didn't take away his focus as the 3 of them fought the Kaiju. Alexis & Isaac watches as they remember of where they got the Kaiju, Tetra Heaven. 1 day earlier after the 2 went inside the portal they then found a stray Manticore Foreigner trying to find someone to Trance Jack with but encountered Alexis & Isaac instead. It tried to Trance Jack with either 1 of them but Alexis caught it with his hand and instead of killing it he persuaded it as this is what he said when he lets go (Also, the Manticore Foreigner was asking for mercy).

>Alexis • Kerib:
You may not have found someone to Trance Jack with but I assure you that there's a better way than that.

>Manticore Foreinger:
What is it then?

>Isaac Westcott:
It's simple really, he will turn you into a 20 story tall Kaiju and once you do you will then wreak havoc on Earth, or as you may call it... Septpia.

>Manticore Foreigner:
What's in it for me then?

>Alexis • Kerib:
Considering you can't Trance Jack anyone in this world you will just have to rampage on "Septpia" 1st. And once you test your new power you will then be free to attack this world. What do you say?

And so they made a deal as they took the Foreigner to Earth, placed him somewhere far from Pearl Harbor, & then turned him into a Kaiju.

>Alexis • Kerib:
Instance Abreaction.

And it was all a success. (Present) And so Iron Man, Gridman, & Gridknight fights the Kaiju but its power was too much for them as it has been increased with Foreigner class power. It started shooting poisonous pins out of its tail, breathed fire, and then clawed them as it is proud of its power. Iron Man was knocked down and was about to get stabbed by the tail until Gridknight grabbed it really tight, started spinning the Kaiju, & then he threw the Kaiju. As the fight goes on while Iron Man is still down he then decided to amp up his power too. By that he said these words as the fight goes on while he stands up.

>Iron Man:
In brightest, In blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight, Let those who worship evil's might, Beware my power... (When he fully stood up the Kaiju then breathed fire but was blocked by a Green Shield) Green Lantern's light!

And so Gridman & Gridknight were amazed as he has the same powers as Green Lantern (Also, all of the suit's red color became green). And so Iron Man constructed weapons around the suit and even summoned a Power Sword & a Blazing Sword (Swords from the Megazord & Voltron) then charges at the Kaiju as the Kaiju charged aswell. And so the fight was on as Iron Man has the upperhand in this 1 as he made some constructs that hurted the Kaiju badly as the 2 fought. The Kaiju was then got its arms sliced and when Gridman & Gridknight got up they also helped out and all 3 of them fired a big beam. The Kaiju did breathed a beam made of fire but it wasn't powerful enough as the beam then reached it and killed it for good. As the Kaiju died the paradox zone then disappeared as the battle was finally over. And so Iron Man walks away until Gridman & Gridknight told him to wait as they thanked him for helping out. However they also asked him the same questions from last chapter but this time Iron Man said only this.

>Iron Man:
I'm just a hero doing my work. Also, I'm Iron Man, the Armoured Avenger.

Okay then Iron Man. However you need to come with us now. The commanders would like to have a word with you.

But Iron Man just flew away. Gridman & Gridknight were given orders not to pursue as they've both been badly damage. An hour later Tony went back to school as he was late for his class. The class just then continued after Tony apologized to Ms. Mexiah. Meanwhile Alexis & Isaac were not disappointed at all as that was just the test run as there will be more Foreigner Kaijus they'll make someday but for now all they can do is wait for the right moment. And so the 2 then returned back to Vatlantis.

To Be Continued

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