Chapter 3: Savages

Start from the beginning

I may not know them but to be honest I pity War Machine's PTSD & Guilt Loss condition.

Don't worry, he told us that he won't let it stop him. However, I hope he's okay too though.

(Present) After telling them that they then talked about what they would do next as Tony told them that his satellite just scanned incoming Savages about to make their way to Ginza and all 6 of them will be separated. Bruce was the 1 that told Tony where they're gonna land later on when he predicted their ETA after Tony's satellite spotted the 6 Savages 1st (Tony spotted 1st but Bruce predicted their landing points). Tony insisted that he'll take care of it later once the emergency alarm rings throughout the university. (Tineskip after school) The alarm then rings minutes later as civillians were evacuated Date-A-Live style as the incoming Savages were spotted at Earth's exosphere. And so Tony then goes somewhere where no student nor teacher can see him while Bruce, John, & Rhodey just stays in their dorm rooms (Tony & Rhodey are roomies while Bruce & John are roomies). Meanwhile Hayato Kisaragi & Emile were called by Claire Harvey as their mission is to take down the incoming Savages once they land as she isn't the only 1 who told the 2 of them as they were called in the school's command room. After they were told about this information Olga Breakchild (In the corner as always. Also, I wanna laugh at his name because does he break children because no wonder why he has no covenanter) then tells them something that his Logic predicted something interesting (Because the Director said he can predict the future).

>Olga Breakchild:
(While smiling) You might want to hurry now as my Logic tells me that Iron Man and Gio will arrive 3 minutes earlier than the 3 of you. And the chances are... 100%.

After all of that they then moved out as a plane transport them to Ginza (Also, the university is located in a huge island). Meanwhile as the Savages finally landed Gio (In dragon form) saw the 1st Savage and before he could land for an attack he then saw Iron Man just arrived and now his Model Prime is in Hulkbuster form. And so Iron Man fights the 1st Savage as thanks to class he knows the Savages' main weakness. And so he uppercutted the 1st Savage to the face, flew up, flew down so fast, pucnhed the Savage's forehead, & then rips out the core or heart or crystal or whatever it was. After ripping it out he crushed it and then Gio arrived and turned human form as he asked Iron Man who he is and what's his business. But Iron Man told him that he would answer his questions later as they both need to take care of the other 5 Savages and Gio agreed to this. And so Gio actualizes and the 2 then fought the other 3 Savages with only 2 remaining. The plane then arrives as Hayato, Emile, & Claire sees both Gio and Iron Man fighting Savages so they decided to help by jumping up now right before Claire said this.

>Claire Harvey:
I can't believe Olga's prediction was right.

Yeah yeah, but I guess we need to focus on taking down the other Savages now.

And so the 3 of them jumps down and activated their Hundreds, landed perfectly, & saw Gio & Iron Man killed the 5th Savage. After that they then made their way to them as they asked them what happened to the other Savages and told them everything. After listening to this they also got an order to let Iron Man help them for now as the 6th Savage looks more like a Big Dragon so they'll need to fight the last 1 and then ask Iron Man some important questions later. Iron Man could hear their comms as thanks to Extremis he hacked into their comms and didn't tell them as he lets this be for now. And then the 6th Savage appeared as this 1 is so powerful that it was more powerful than the last Savage Hayato, Emile, Claire, & others fought before. And so Iron Man's Hulkbuster mode started creating weapons thanks to nano-technology as it is now as armed as Model 44 (Don't mistake this Model to Hulkbuster as in the comics it's different). And so they fought the damn thing as the Gio activates his Thanatos Successor form to rival the damn Savage but this 1 was more powerful but he managed to fight it with the rest as Iron Man is now packing heat and starts firing at the Savage but the Savage's shield was strong so the rest does their thing and fight. They all fought so hard but to little avail as the Savage not only fought back but it started breathing fire out of its mouth. But luckily Iron Man was only holding back as he told Claire & Gio to gather up with him while Hayato & Emile gets behind them. And so Iron Man turns into regular size suit form while Gio prepares his power to fire a beam while Claire prepares her Buster Cannon. And then Iron Man prepares a Tri-Beam as all 3 of them fires at the same time.

>Iron Man:
(Readies Tri-Beam) Here comes the big 1. (Then fires Tri-Beam with Gio & Claire).

When the Savage breathed fire both beams and fire breath collided. Luckily Iron Man not only upgraded the suit before the fight but the Tri-Beam is on maximum power that it not only surpassed through the collision but it even destroyed the shield which shot the Savage and blew it up. After that Iron Man then flies and when he found the forehead he then grabbed the crystal and crushed it with his hands. It was another victory but Iron Man's suit is now at 9% thanks to the Tri-Beam he fired. But before he could go Gio & the others thanked him for his assistance but they also told them to not only tell them who he really is and where he's from but to also come with them. But Iron Man just left and flew away really fast without saying a word. Instead of pursuing him they just watch him fly away. A day later students then started talking about Iron Man's assistance and heroic act as he just helped take down 6 Savages. Hayato & Emile even told the others what actually happened as back when Iron Man left minutes later the media started asking Gio & the others of what happened after all of the people were out of the underground evacuation zone as they told them everything that had happened. As the whole thing goes on some of the students even wonder about Iron Man's suit aswell while Tony & the others just listen as they're about to get famous. Meanwhile at Vatlantis Hida Nayuta (AKA Worst Mother In Anime) somehow got a video footage of Iron Man's battle and the Quartet's battle as she tries to study what their up against as Isaac Westcott (AKA Kasper Hekmatyar wannabe) is doing the same. And then Alexis Kerib arrives as he asked them what they got and they told them most of what they know. Then Babalun showed up (He's in his Gaia Mecha form without Doll/Mexiah inside him as in this fanfic she got out of the Mecha thanks to Kenshi before Babalun took over the Mecha as his new body) wondering of the same thing as they all think that if they were to make the same technology they would win the war. However they were told that it's impossible as their technology is far from their very own so Alexis told Babalun to be patient for now as soon they will get their time.

To Be Continued

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