Chapter 9

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Jennie POV

I kept looking around the room as if it was something like my dream coming true. The room was dripped with expense and so gorgeous.

A sound of a soft knock on the door made me turn my head towards the source. Joy stood there with a soft smile, her both hands filled with my bags. "May I come in?" She asked.

I smiled at her before rushing to take a luggage from her hand. "You know you don't have to ask me anything." I said rolling my eyes back as I put the luggage on the bed and started to take out my clothes.

"You are so lucky to have this room!" She exclaimed as her curious eyes wandered around the room. I nodded as I knew I was surely lucky enough.

"But I am still confused," she said, coming back to my side as she started to help me take out my clothes.

"What is it?" Though it was confusing for me to get this room, I still wanted to know from her.

"You are new so you must don't know but this floor is only used by Mr. Kim. No one comes on this floor without his permission. He never lets anyone come here except for Yerin for cleaning. And when it comes to other maids, no one could ever think of coming here. It's like life risking. " She told me as I could sense the fear in her tone. My eyebrows frowned at what she said. If it was the case then why was I given this room? My curiosity began to rise up even more.

After a long moment of joy helping me with setting up my dresses in the walk-in closet, she left for her work. I still had some of my clothes to set up before going back to my work. I took out a small bag from my luggage before putting the luggage in a corner. I didn't remember having this small bag so I slightly opened it to take out whatever was inside. My eyes fell on the lingeries that I kept hidden inside the closet in my previous room and all the moments from last night kept rushing again.

"당신은 그들에게서 좋아 보입니다", I heard a male voice before quickly putting the lingeries in the bag. I swiftly turned around to meet the blue hazel eyes gazing at me. The sight almost took my breathe away. I didn't know what he said but whatever it was, his voice was enough to make the whole atmosphere hot.
(Translation: you look good in them.)

Mr. Kim was leaning against my closet door, his both hands tugged in his pocket, his muscles seemed like popping out of his suit as his cold blue eyes stared down at me. His presence screamed power, scary, rude but I could see the smirk on his face.

"Umm sorry, I didn't understand," I managed to speak out, my voice automatically became a whisper but I guess he heard it clearly as I heard a chuckle coming from his way.

When I looked up, I saw him coming closer to me and I started to take my steps back. I kept walking backwards until my back hit the wall. Mr. Kim stopped taking steps forward until he reached just inches away from me. He didn't touch me but his close proximity was enough to make my mind hazy. He titled his head to a side as his eyes kept travelling up and down my body.

"Mr. Kim-" I was about to say but got cut off.

"Jisoo," he said, his ment fresh breath fanning my face.

Not quite understanding what he meant, I started to talk. "I really didn't need this room-"

"Did I ask you?" He said in a low growl. Suddenly the atmosphere changed. His tone made me flinch as I didn't find any reason of him getting angry at me.

"This is my house and every single one here is obliged to listen to what I say, got it?", he growled in a stern voice. It was so low yet so dangerous to send shiver down my spine. My hands were trembling and I felt beads of sweat rolling down from my forehead. I kept my eyes down all the time not to meet his strong gaze as I only nodded.

"Good 주방," Jisoo said as his strong hands came up and patted my cheeks softly before taking few steps back. I felt my body warming up under his piercing gaze. I felt like I owned all his attention as his intense gaze was fully focused on me. My eyes came up to meet his. As soon as my eyes met his blue ones, I felt like my time stopped. It happened everytime my dull brown orbs met his strong cold bluish ones. Before any other words,he abruptly turned around and left the room. (Translation: kitten)

I sucked in deep breath as soon as he left. I didn't know I was holding back my breath. His presence was so demanding and scary, also confusing. One second, he acted like he was trying to flirt with me or kiss me senselessly and the very next second, it felt like he wanted to kill me right there or like I disgusted him.

There was something so wrong about him. Not only him, but also the whole mansion. Something didn't seem normal to me. Jin, Jungkook and all other men in this house,the guards. Also the maids said men here were dangerous and someone not to mess up with. Specially Mr. Kim. They said, only his looks could leave other people scared and begging for their lives. Just like his simple low growl left me scared the hell out of me just minutes ago. But what I didn't understand was, why did he have to make people scared? Why were others so much feared by him?

The whole mansion was keeping a secret from me. But I knew the truth had to come out today or tomorrow.

THE MAID - JENSOO 🔞Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat