Chapter 7

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Jennie Pov

"Mom, if we had super powers to go anywhere we want, where would you like to go to?"

"Umm.... The stars!"

"Which star mom? " that little 5 years old girl pointed to the night sky.

"I guess... That one!" Her mom pointed to the star at the very right corner of the night sky excitedly. "Now tell me which star do you wanna go to?" Her mom asked as she ran her hand softly through her five years old daughter's hair.

"I wanted to go to that one." She replied as she pointed at the left corner of the sky.

"Wanted? Don't you wanna go now?" Her mom asked as she looked at her daughter raising eyebrows.

"No. Not anymore. I want to go to your star now." The five years old daughter replied.

"Why mine?"

"Because I want to go to wherever you go, with you. I will not leave you alone mom," the little girl managed to reply, looking at her mom. "I'm scared to leave you alone mom." Her voice cracked as she remembered what her mom had to go through every night.

"I'll not leave you too my love. I love you,so much.." her mom hugged her small body tightly.

"I love you too mom! Wait, I've something for you." Saying that she quickly turned around and ran towards the flower pot. Grabbing a flower, she turned around to look at her mom.

And suddenly everything went dark. There was no light around, she couldn't feel her mom's warmth around anymore. Only darkness surrounding the little girl from everywhere. "Mom!" The little girl cried out through her tears. "Where are you? Please come back!" She screamed.

That's when she heard some noise coming near to her. She recognized them, as she heard those noises almost every night. A man, ruthless man laughing as she could hear an woman's cry from afar. That woman was her mother. She was begging for her life.

"Mom! I'm scared...p-please come back.. I'll n-never leave you..I p-promise.." she managed to say through her cries. Suddenly, the sobbing stopped. Everything became silent.

She kept looking around to search for anything that could lead her to her mom, to emancipation. That's when a pair of very familiar blue eyes smoldering at a corner caught her teary brown eyes. Those eyes gave her inner peace,soothed her promiscuous mind as she tried to embrace them. She tried to smile through her sobs and run towards the source of blue light before the light abruptly vanished.

My eyes fluttered open as I sat up straight on my bed, sucking deep long breath in. My brown eyes travelled around the room to recognize the surrounding. I closed my eyes in a relief when I realised where I was.

Removing the blanket from my body, I got out of the soft bed as I slowly made my way towards the bathroom rubbing my sleepy eyes. I looked at myself through the mirror to see my tired self, messy hair, pale skin, dull brown eyes, dark circles under them as I realised this wasn't the first time I was having this kind of dreams, a reminder of my outrageous past that never seemed to leave me alone.

But something was different this time. Those pair of blue eyes, that alleviated my mind in my nightmare before disappearing into the darkness.

Doing my morning routine, I came out of my room wearing my black maid frock, walking over to the kitchen where yerin was already organizing breakfast in a tray and other maids taking them one by one to the dining room where Mr. Kim was also present.

"Good morning. Sorry, I slept for so long today," I apologised as soon as I entered the kitchen and helped yerin.

"Don't worry honey. It happens and Good morning." She smiled at me before handing the last tray to sowon.

THE MAID - JENSOO 🔞Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz