A Curtain of Scarlet

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"Pray forgive Lady Baskerville's discourtesy," Barok said.

Susato laughed softly.

"Shall we continue?" Barok said.

"I think I would rather just listen to you play, Lord van Zieks. Is it...alright if I continue to sit here? So I may observe your technique, of course, is...is why I would like to...why I am requesting to remain here. Beside you."

"Yes...Yes, that would be quite acceptable."

And as he played, Susato found herself enraptured by the sight of his hands, and the memory of his skin against hers, the warmth of their intertwined touch.

The spell was broken by the sound of a carriage approaching. Balmung barked. And then Klint entered the manor, shutting the door loudly. He stalked into the drawing room, an envelope in a tight grip, Balmung at his heels, wagging his tail.

Balmung darted straight over to Barok and Susato. She scratched his ears while watching Klint. He tossed the letter onto the sideboard and poured himself a glass of wine. Susato frowned.

"Klint? Is something amiss?" Barok said.

Klint swallowed a large gulp of wine before answering. "I am going hunting. Come with me, Barok. Let us talk a while."

"But...will dinner not be served soon? You would not want to anger Lady Baskerville. I would hate for you to be locked out in the cold again," Susato said a bit uncomfortably, worried she was overstepping her bounds.

"I just needed some wine to warm myself, but I am ready to return to the snows. If I risk my wife's ire, so be it. Barok, could you fetch the rifle, please?"

Barok nodded and left the room.

"My wife will forgive me when I bring home a fat goose," Klint said. He took another sip of wine.

Balmung barked. Susato stirred and knelt down to pet him, allowing him to lick her cheek. He wiggled from how fiercely he wagged his tail, pressing his nose repeatedly into her face and neck.

"Poor Balmung might be cold too," Susato said.

"Miss Mikotoba, if you have something say, just say it," Klint said.

"It is just...you look so upset, Lord van Zieks. And Lady Baskerville was so looking forward to your return to read together. She will be disappointed if you are out of doors again without greeting her."

"I know. I do," Klint said, sighing. "It might be hard for one of your constitution to understand, but sometimes a man must simply vent his emotions in such a way."

"By hunting, you mean?" Susato said.

"I sound barbaric I am sure." He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"No, I was not thinking that, Lord van Zieks. I am...I am sure Lady Baskerville will understand. It was a difficult day, wasn't it?"

Klint pressed out a heavy sigh. "I am tired of seeing this injustice. Yet I am helpless to stop it. The man is a veritable demon, and he is twisting others into fallen spirits as he throws the innocent into ruin."

"There is nothing that can be done?"

A bitter laugh. "No. I fear not. You have a pure heart, Miss Mikotoba. I pray it remains free from having to witness the depravity of the aristocracy. I am constantly exposed to their corruption, being amongst their rank. It is...something I resent deeply."

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