Chapter 3 - His Butler, Summoned

Start from the beginning

"I see, that is very important. If you'll excuse me, Lord Byron, My presence is required elsewhere," Vincent said before beckoning his son to follow him.

"Father, who was that man?" Ciel asked as they walked. His voice was quiet and the din of the room kept others from overhearing. Vincent looked down at his son.

"A new money, Ciel. Someone who buys their way into nobility and then tries to act as one of us," said Vincent. Such people were pathetic; they thought money buying them a title meant they were nobility. It was a despicable notion and Vincent wished the Queen wouldn't allow it to happen, although he doubted she had much say in the matter.

"Shall we play a game, Ciel?" Vincent asked. This ball was a perfect opportunity to further his son's lessons in being the guard dog to her Majesty. Ciel looked at him with a genuine smile.

"Always, Father. What game will we play today?" Ciel asked. He loved it when his father played games with him. Vincent smiled. "A new one. Do you remember when we played the memorization game?" Vincent asked. He'd tested his son's memory two years ago, to see how well his son could remember. It was now one of Ciel's favorite games.

"Yes, is it like that?"

"It is. However, in this game, you have to organize people. You must watch the people here in this room, and then tell me if whether they are muggle or wizard, and if they are nobility, businessmen, servants or new money. We'll see how many you can get right, hm?" said Vincent with a conspiratorial air to him. Ciel nodded his eyes wide.

"Which one first?" Ciel asked. Vincent smiles as his son focused on the ballroom. When Ciel set his mind to something he never let up. It was a trait Vincent was pleased his little boy had.

"The woman in the blue dress, next to Lord Byron."

"...She's a witch, and the wife of one of the businessmen here. He's important, but they aren't noble."

"Very good, that is Mrs. Ollivander; her husband makes wands in Diagon Alley. They are business people, and magical. Very good Ciel."

"Thank you, this is fun. Who's the next target?"

"Heh, the man, over by the wine. He's wearing a green tailcoat, and he's rather tall."

Modern Era

The skirmish in Diagon Alley the previous week had been a disaster. Innocent bystanders had gotten seriously injured and fear laced with panic was rampant in the populace due to the Death Eaters' victory. Three Order members had died, two were in Azkaban and only four of the Death Eaters had been apprehended. Everyone knew they'd escape before too long.

Currently the core of the Order was seated around the table in Grimauld Place. Albus sat at the head, in a periwinkle robe with comets; Minerva sat to his right while Mad Eye sat to his left. Further down the table were Remus and Sirius, side by side, with Kingsley between them and Minerva. Opposite them were The three Potters, and beyond them were Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and their eldest and two youngest. Last but not least was Hermione Granger.

"Now we have even fewer numbers, the aurors should've been allowed to handle the alley while we recruited and trained more people," Mad Eye growled as his eye whirled in its socket. Kingsley nodded. Minerva frowned but did not disagree. Charlie looked like he wanted to say something but James spoke first.

"More innocent people would have been killed if we hadn't gone," said the former jock. Lily frowned while Mad Eye barked out a mocking laugh.

"Lad, you don't know anything if you believe that," said the old auror. "The Dark Lord only kills muggleborns, half-bloods and purebloods are off limits when it comes to him. It was us fighting that probably caused those deaths."

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