My Heart, For You...

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"Are you sure about this? "The doctor asked. I nodded silently as I signed the the approval form. The sign that confirmed that I was giving my heart to someone on my own will. I was well aware of the fact that it was illegal to donate your heart whilst you are alive but somehow I had convinced the doctor into agreeing to this.
"Please do me favor doctor and don't tell her my name or anything about me." I said.
"Okay James." The doctor replied.
"Thank you".
With that the doctor left to tell this to Lily's parents. Lily had three holes in her heart and the doctors have confirmed that she won't survive without a heart transplant but there was no heart for her so I have agreed to give my heart to her on my own will.

After a while, Avril, Lily's best friend came to me. I was sitting in the waiting area of the hospital, looking blankly at the wall in front. She sat down silently next to me. I didn't budge. We sat there for some time in complete silence.
"I appreciate what you are doing for my friend but do you really want to do this?" She finally asked.
"I won't think twice if her life is at stake"  I answered plainly.
"What will we tell her?" She asked.
"Nothing for now. Just the fact that somebody is giving  her a heart." I said.
"She hates you, you know that, right? "Avril asked.
I nodded
"And still you are doing this  for her. You are a very nice person" She said.
"I love her. I can do anything for her." I said.
"Lily's parents want to meet you"
"Okay. Tell them to come anytime" I said.
"I should go now. Just remember that she will be grateful what you did".
"Thank you" I nodded in reply and she left me alone with my thoughts.

I was lost in my thoughts when somebody approached me. I looked up. It was Lily's parents. I greeted them kindly.
The first thing they asked me was "Why are you doing this?"
"I love your daughter" I answered.
"Does she know?" Lily's mother asked.
I nodded.
"We don't know how to thank you for what you are doing" Lily's dad said.
"No need sir, my life is anyways not worth anything so it's better that I use it to save someone whose life actually matters." I told them.
Her mother was almost in tears as she came forward and gave me a tight hug. Her dad patted my back reassuringly. I gave them a weak smile which couldn't hide my pain.
"We should go now and  tell Lily that she's going to  live" Her dad said.
I started to say something but he cut me off in between and said "Don't worry, we won't tell her about you now".
"Thank you" I  said.
They left me alone after that.

The transplant was to be done the next day in the morning. They were going to replace her heart with mine and put me on some artificial organ technology that will give me some time more but not much as the system wasn't yet perfected.
I knew it was my last night in this world. The feeling was quite creepy and kind of peaceful too.
I sat down on the desk in my room, the one provided to me in the hospital. I picked up a pen to write a letter to my parents. I was sure they were not going to like this but it was necessary to be done. The memories of the day I left home came flooding in my mind but I tried to shut them out and started to write.

Dear Mom and Dad
"I hope that you are fine. I know that you might be hating me for what I did by leaving that day. I know it would have been hard for you to wake up and find me gone with just a goodbye letter but I made the reasons clear.
Those constant arguments during those days had been forcing me to think of leaving and I guess it was better to leave this way than the other one. But now I bid farewell from you for the last time as I'm not going to be around anymore. I hope that you will be proud to know that I am giving my heart to save someone's life. She is the love of my life. Even though it never worked out between me and her but my love for her has always been strong and I have found out that love is actually stronger than death.
I know I have made mistakes and I am really sorry for them. I just hope that you'll forgive me someday. Thank you for making me the perdon that I am today. I love you mom and dad."

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