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Oh god—

Interviewer: So, Mrs. Todoroki—

Aalish: Aalish is fine, thank you.

Interviewer:..right, Mrs. Aalish..

Aalish: Yes?

Interviewer, sighing: Right. So, many are curious, how was it having to birth the, now, number one hero Endeavor?

Aalish: Birth? I didn't give birth to Enji, what do you mean?

Interviewer: You, you did give birth to him, yes?

Aalish: Of course not.

Interviewer: Wha—

Aalish: I physically cannot give birth, goodness, I do not even have a cycle.

Interviewer: What do you mean?

Aalish: I did not give birth to Enji. Yes, I know, quite surprising, but it is true. My uterus was removed by doctors when I turned fifteen, my father was afraid one would take advantage of I and decided that the surgery was necessary, just in case of course. I hadn't quite understood that, being so young, but I understood as I got older. Sad, yes. However, as I got older it would not have mattered.

Interviewer: Why do you say that?

Aalish: If I was to give birth to a baby, I would have killed said baby. My quirk is quite unstable, you see, my quirk is dangerous and can cause third degree burns. Children cause malfunctions to the mothers quirk, making it dangerous for her, the baby, and others around she, so, if I was to have a baby, many would have been in danger, including the baby.

Interviewer: I see, then who had Endeavor if not you?

Aalish: His father of course.

Interviewer: What-?

Interviewer #2: Good evening Mr. Todoroki.

Yukio: Hello!

Interviewer #2: Oh wow, you're more outgoing than your wife.

Yukio: Really? Well, I mean, she works a lot and has had to deal with Enji and myself a lot when he was younger, even now, so it wouldn't really surprise me if she was more introverted than most.

Interviewer #2: Hm, yes, that would make sense. Now, we're curious, your wife said that you were the one to have gone through the nine months of dealing with Enji. Pregnancy, I mean.


Yukio: Would you look at the time! *leaves quickly*

Interviewer #2, stands up: GET HIM! HEY! DO YOU HEAR ME!?

Interviewer #3: Hello Mister Todoroki.

Enji: Hello...

Interviewer #3: So, we have recently learned that your father was the one to have given birth to you, not your mother. Can we ask how you feel about this information, or had you already known?


Enji: Goodbye. *leaves*

Interviewer #3:  Did he seriously just leave????

Camera Guy: Uh. Yeah. His dad did the same thing.

Interviewer #3, sighs: Whatever. This family was a wreck from the beginning. Turn off the camera and let's go.

Camera Guy: Yes ma'am.

Hello everyone!!

Idk where this thought even can from, it just...did. Lmao.

Thanks for reading!❤

Remember! Stay Safe!🍁✨

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