Quirk Malfunction

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Say ‘Hello’ to PapaRoki! Now, should I do more drawings for him? 🤔

Full post is on Instagram! (gaarvel)

Yukio Todoroki, a man with..a horrible past. Yuki, someone who was now asleep, had made it that way. Had taken away his lover, his son, and anything else that he had and treasured with all of his heart. He still wasn't sure what Yuki would have against his family, but then again, he wasn't going to wake him up to ask. As of now, the man was trying to be the father that he wanted to be, rather than the one he was made out to be. But, waking up was first on his list for the day. Yukio was told, in a very scary way, that he was to stay at the Todoroki home until he was stable enough to do on his own. With that being said, he was left by himself for a few hours. The man decided that, just for the day, he was going to stay in his sleep wear, which was content of long grey sweat pants, a red and black patterned long sleeved shirt, and a pair of white socks. The man stretched his arms, his shirt only riding up slightly, stepping on his toes as he did so. With a light yawn, he put a hand through his spikey black hair and made his way out of the room. The raven haired man made his way to the kitchen for something to drink. But, as he walked, he felt off. Like he was forgetting something.

Unfortunately, he wasn't sure as to what it was that he was forgetting, until he had taken a sip of his water. When the man took a sip, his eyes widened and he spit it out. When he looked into the cup, his water was mixed with black and red, making the man tilt his head ever so slightly. Yukio wiped his mouth and discarded the cup, cleaning it and putting it away. Just as he was going back to his room, Fuyumi and Natsuo had walked through the door. The white haired boy waved his sister off and went to his room, leaving Fuyumi to put away the groceries. Yukio shrugged and decided to help the girl put away things. She was still on edge, even after he was given medicine and all was explained. Enji was quick to forgive, especially when he first noticed the change in his own father, but she and the others weren't there just yet. So, when he started helping, he startled her a little. With a light sigh, the two began to put things away in silence and Fuyumi started to get the ingredients needed for lunch. The man smiled and sat down on the couch in the living room. There was silence, with the occasional hit of pots and pans, for about fifteen minutes before Yukio began to feel it.

His body felt as though it was being squeezed, his throat felt tight, and he felt hot. Something was wrong. The man quickly stood up, going to grab his throat when he felt it; his quirk. His eyes widened, tears welling up as he tried to walk away from the couch and to the kitchen. If Fuyumi was to see him, he could tell her what to do, she could help, she has to help. The man stumbled, falling with a thud. The loud noise was quick to catch both siblings jump. Fuyumi turned around quickly and leaned over the counter, she gasped and quickly ran over to the man whereas Natsuo was quick to grab his phone and run into the the room. “The hell is going on!?” He yelled quickly. Fuyumi looked up at him with a terrified expression. “I don't know! He was fine a few minutes ago, and now he's—” The girl looked down and squinted her eyes. “Call dad.” She said suddenly, and, without a second thought, Natsuo did just that. The blackness around the male's neck began to thicken, making him grip as hard as he could at whatever was trying to harm him..more. Tears feel as he sat up, trying to breathe, he kept pulling at the black mass around his neck, begging for it to stop. Fuyumi watched helplessly, she couldn't do anything, she didn't understand and it was beginning to get to her. Natsuo walked back into the room, putting his phone into his back pocket. “He's still on patrol, may be a while until he gets here, but, Shoto is on his way. He's getting here with some kid named Sero and Mineta.” Fuyumi nodded and Natsuo kneeled down next to them.

“Ge-t it o-ff.” Yukio strained out, pulling on the mass again, blood and black ooze dripping from his mouth, painting his lips red and black. Natsuo pursed his lips and went to grab at the mass, only to be pinned to the floor by a, much bigger, mass. He groaned and tried to sit up, only to he knocked down again. Yukio could feel it, he was going to die, he knew he was. He finally came back, he finally had control over his life again, but one dumb mistake and he was loosing that control again. Or so the man thought. Just as he thought he was on the brink of death, something hard met his face, making everything go black and his body hit the floor, again. Natsuo took a breath and say up quickly, looking around to see that his brother, Shoto, was there and standing over the man with an ice bat. The room fell silent. “What. The. Fuck.” Natsuo said through gritted teeth. Around an hour later, Enji and Keigo arrived at the home, and that's when questions began.

“Please..” Yukio said softly, his head was pounding, probably from the bat, and he was aching everywhere. The group shut up and looked at the man on the couch. Yukio had red marks around his neck and tears streaming down his face. His quirk hadn't reacted like that in a very very long time, so this, for obvious reasons, freaked him out to the point that he cried. The two boys that came with Shoto had already left, leaving the family to tend to the older. “Just, stop asking questions.” Yukio said, wiping his tears. The man stood up and walked away, leaving the family confused and worried for the other. Once Yukio was in the room that he was staying in, he closes the door and grabbed a turtleneck from the closet. He was tired and just wanted to avoid everyone. The man pulled off his previous shirt and slipped the other one on, wanting to cover up the marks to avoid questions. He wiped the tears that fell silently and sat on the edge of the bed. The man wasn't sure what to do, in all honesty, what could he do? His life was over, he should have just let them do it, would have been better than this. No matter how old he got, he'd admit, he was probably the most childish person he knew. I mean, he's sitting on a bed and crying like a baby over something that has happened a few times from when he was younger, he should be used to something like this.

When the man went to wipe his face again, something took the place of his hand and wiped his tears. Yukio opened his eyes to see one of his little friends had wiped his face. Said friend stopped and the two stared, somewhat, at one another before the small mass waved and disappeared back into his body, making him blink. ‘For someone who is going to live longer than most, you sure do cry a lot.’ A voice rang through his head, making him jump slightly. “The hell?” He said allowed. ‘Oh, right, I don't talk.’ The odd voice said again. ‘Do you remember when you were little?’ It asked him. ‘When we first met, you have me a name. I liked the name, even in I couldn't tell you, it was a very nice name.’ Now Yukio was confused. Was he going crazy? Was it another in his and Yuki's system? ‘No, we're not part of the small system you have. The name, that you had called me was quite cute, it was kitty.’ And that's when it hit him. His quirk was talking with him! “You can talk!?” He said aloud. With an amused hum, his quirk seemed to react in a different action, it didn't exactly surprise him, due to his quirk being connected with his thoughts already, so he didn't have the reaction like most would. It wrapped around his torso and pulled him more onto the bed, making him huff when he was pushed down and onto the pillows.

“I'm not calling you kitty, so, you need an actual name.” Yukio said, feeling the mass unwrap itself from around him. A bigger tentacle comes from his body, it was terrifying to look at. ‘A name? Okay..’ The voice came again, still in his mind. Blinking, Yukio tried to think of a name, something that would work for the other. The room remained silent, Yukio in thought and his quirk just staring at him, he thinks anyhow. “What about...” Yukio started. “Hedy?” The man had a grin on his face, hoping it was a good choice. ‘Hedy? Hm..I like it. What does it mean?’ The voice, Hedy, asked. With a wide grin, Yukio told him what the name had meant. It was a German name that his late wife's father's name, she told him what it had meant and why he had it in the first place. It meant Warrior or fighter, he wasn't sure why, but it just seemed to fit better than ‘Kitty’. ‘I see.’ Hedy said after the other had finished explaining. The two ended up talking, Hedy taking their place back into the skin of the other, speaking to him like they had been talking with another for most of their lives.

It was getting late and the other Todoroki's, mainly Enji, were getting worried. With a sigh, both Shoto and Enji went to the man's room. They had knocked first, but when no one answered, they decided to open the door. When they did, they were surprised to see that the man was wrapped around his own quirk. Unfortunately, Shoto didn't know that that was his quirk and slightly panicked. Enji put his hand on the boy's shoulder. “Calm down,” He whispered. “it's just his quirk.” Enji told the boy, pulling him back. Yukio had his legs and arms wrapped around the large mass, thin and even smaller ones had been wrapped around his legs, arms, and even his torso. It was a sweet sight, in Enji's eyes anyhow. When the two had walked away from the room, making sure to close the door back, they had told the others. They were confused at first, holding the most iconic faces that Enji had ever seen, so, the man explained to the group that what had happened had been Yukio's quirk and what they had saw was also his quirk. With nods, the group parted and decided to call it in for the night. It had been a long day, for many of them, so a nights rest would be good for them. Although, the next morning was not exactly what they had expected.


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