Midnight Cuddles

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Again, short stories, so this one ISN'T as long.

Note; “Hase” or “der Hase” means “Bunny”.


A scream had erupted from the home of the Todoroki household. Quickly, those whom had been asleep prior, we're up and running to the source of the screaming. The door to the screaming child's room was quickly pushed open and stood two, very tired, parents. "Enji??" came the gruff voice of a man. Said boy was under his covers, tears running down his flushed face. A sigh left the adult as he walked over to the child's bed, the woman behind him was talking with the guards and maids, telling them that everything was alright. Once the other had left, the mother entered the room, a worried look on the man's face. With a light sigh, she sat down on the other side. "Hase?" she said, trying to get the boy's attention. Enji shuffled under the covers, but kept under them, making her sigh again. "Little one, you must come from under zhe covers." her accent thick. The man beside her put a hand on her's, having her look up. He shook his head. "Aalish, hun, we need to be gentle." with a nod, Aalish looked from her husband to her child. "Yes, I see." she said softly. "I might have an idea." the white haired man said. With a smile, he lied down next to the child, the mother following suit with her husband.

Once the two were down and beside the boy, he poked his head out from under the covers. "Mama..? Papa..?" he questioned quietly. Turning his head to look from either side of him, he noticed that the two had fallen asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillows. With a giggle, the red head took his covers and covered, the best to his abilities, his parents up. In response, both parents wrapped their arms around the boy, making him giggle again. The warmth from his mother made him drowsy, his eyes becoming heavy told him that it was time to sleep. Laying down, the boy turned on his side, his back to his mother's chest and his arms wrapped around his father. Closing his eyes, he let the world leave his mind and drifted off to a peaceful sleep. Enjoying the midnight cuddles he was receiving from his parents. It was nice, especially with his mother's quirk, making her body an ungodly temperature, it was nice when she slept, it kept herself and others warm. Making sleep easier and better than usual.

Best cuddles ever...

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