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AYO! Enji speaks German and so does his dad, uh, anyone wanna put translations down in the comments for the others?

Side note: I used Google Translate, idk if this is even accurate, lmao.


Enji put a hand through his red hair, a silent yawn leaving his lips as he drug his feet to the kitchen. As he fumbled, tiredly, with the coffee machine Fuyumi and Shoto walked in, both taking a seat at the bar. A groan left the man as his head hit the counter, a small “Ow” leaving his lips. The two siblings looked at their father in confusion, this was a side of him they had never seen before. "You good, old man?" Shoto asked, poking the man's head with the end of a pencil. Fuyumi swatted the boy's hand away and looked to her father, he seemed more tired than usual. But, seeing as he is number one now, that shouldn't be a worry, but something was different. Using his hands to life himself up, a yawn left the man, the two could see how tired their father was, dark crescents under his eyes shown and that worried the both of them. Sure, their father was the Devil's son, but they could worry about him when his usual acts began to waver. "Is something wrong?" Fuyumi asked, it was the same question, just in a softer tone. Putting a hand through his red hair, Enji smiled softly and nodded at the two. "Yeah, jus' 'ired." he said calmly. "Hawks macht mir die Hölle heiß und Aizawa macht sich Sorgen um meinen Schlafplan." Enji informed them, going back to the coffee machine, in hopes of getting coffee.

Fuyumi and Shoto blinked. What did he just say? The two looked to one another as if they were speaking to each other without moving their lips. Fuyumi turned back and saw her dad with his eyes closed, hands wrapped around a white coffee mug, and his face covered by said mug. Taking a breath, Fuyumi smiled at her father. "Uhm, we didn't catch that, what did you say?" she questioned her father, Shoto nodding. Enji opened his eyes and looked at the two children with half lidded sapphire blue eyes. The two became stiff. "Ich sagte Hawks ist nervig?" he tried again. "What!?" Shoto yelled, annoyed already. Enji set his mug down and turned on his heel, leaving to his own room. Watching him leave, Fuyumi began thinking about what he just happened, while Shoto groaned. "What was that? It wasn't Japanese and I know for sure that wasn't English. Spanish? I can ask Sero if he knows what he just said, but-" Shoto was quieted by Natsuo walking into the room and smiling at the two. His smile faltered when he saw Shoto's annoyed face and Fuyumi lost in her own mind space.

He walked over to Shoto and put a hand on his shoulder. "What happened?" he asked, slight worry in his voice. The duel haired boy shrugged. "The old man was speaking gibberish." Natsuo nodded, confused by the response but took it nonetheless. Just as he grabbed a water from the refrigerator, the flame hero ran into the room. He wore a black turtleneck, white socks, and a pair of blue jeans. Sliding on the floor slightly, Enji grinned and grabbed thin black glasses from the counter. Fuyumi looked up at her father. "What has you in a better, and much more awake, mood?" she questioned as Natsuo leaned on the counter, opening his drink. Standing up straight, Enji took a breath, the three children awaiting his answer. Exhaling, the flame hero smiled widely. "Two things could happen," he began, the kids now interested. "one," he said, putting up his right index finger. "I could, potentially, end up going to jail for manslaughter, or two, I get to have bear cuddles with my old man again." the red head exclaimed, clasping his hands together in a soft manner. The group stared at him, confused. "In all honesty, it really depends." he said with a shrug.

Blinking, the group watched as their father lit up when the doorbell rang. Quickly, he calmed himself and put his scowl back on, which was hard with how tired he was, but he attempted. He turned to his kids, a smirk coming to his lips. "Wanna see why the ceilings are so high up?" Enji questioned, pointing up at the ceiling above them. The children look up then back at where their father was standing, only to see him gone. They all looked towards one another and then got to their feet, running to the door to see two men standing on either side of their, pouty, father. "This is dumb." the man said aloud. "Yeah yeah, go sit down." a man with red and sapphire blue hair said to their father. Enji rolled his eyes but complied and sat on the couch, arms still crossed. A sigh left his lips as the children watched the door. A man, a very very tall man, walked through the door. His hair was spikey and jet black with white roots seeping through, his eyes were pearly white and his skin was a light tanned color. The man had a small smile on his lips and white spots scattering his body with tattoos following. He turned on his heel and looked at the two men in suits. "Uhm, can you two wait outside? I would like to see my family without having any type of problems." he had such a deep voice, it made the three kid's eyes widen.

As for the two men, they nodded and left, the tall man closing the door behind them. With a sigh, he turned around and smiled brightly. "Okay, they're gone now." was all he said before Enji hopped over the couch and into the arms of the extremely tall man. The three Todoroki's gasped and stepped back quickly, surprised by the sudden action of their father. As for the man, be stumbled slightly but caught the other, wrapping his arms around him and laughing at the red head. "It's great to see you too, Enji." he laughed out. Enji grunted and hugged the man tighter. With a hum, the older made his way to the couch, sitting down. The children followed and stared at the two. Shoto had made eye contact with the unfamiliar man, the two stared at one another. "Hello," the man's voice came softly. "my name is Yukio Todoroki. I believe you are all my grandchildren, yes?" the group gaped at Yukio, eyes wide. "Grandpa!?" the yelled in unison. Yukio chuckled and nodded. "Yes, I do believe we have much to catch up on." he said with a smile. Sitting down, each of the children asked a question, introduced themselves, and even told the man about certain things that even Enji hadn't known of.

It was a peaceful setting, well, almost, Fuyumi was wondering why their father hadn't said anything for the past two hours, so she asked. "Uhm, Grandfather?" she started, not sure of what to say. Yukio chuckled at the girl and hummed in acknowledgement. "Is something wrong with him?" she asked, pointing at Enji, whom was still wrapped around Yukio like a koala. Holding in his laugh, the man nodded at her. "Yes, he's quite fine actually. He's just asleep. Has been for the past hour." he said with a grin, moving slightly. Enji had turned his face to where he was laying on the other's chest, his arms under him, and his mouth slightly agape. Fuyumi giggled and the other two just stared. "I remember how when he was little he enjoyed cuddles. Especially after getting into some type of trouble." Yukio informed Fuyumi. The two laughed, not loud enough to wake the sleeping hero, and continued their conversation. It was a nice day. Although, that did end when Touya came home with Rei and almost burnt the eight foot male, but after a, long, explanation from his siblings, he calmed and they all began talking again. Enji woke up when he smelt something burning, which was the food that everyone had forgotten about. "What's wrong with all of you!?" he yelled as he jumped from his father's grasp and into the kitchen.

The group had a laughing fit as they watched the man slide into the kitchen to get the burning food. Enji scolded the group and ordered take-out instead. It was an enjoyable night, well, except for the two bodyguards. The two stayed outside most of the night until Enji came out with a tray of food and water for the two. They thanked him and he nodded. Just before he closed the door, he smiled and poked his head out, seeing the two quietly eating. "He's staying the night," he said softly, the two looked up at the other quickly. "if you'd like, one of you can sleep on the couch and I can pull out a mattress for the other." Enji looked inside the home, not noticing the two had stood. "We should have some extra covers and pill- oh!" the red head was quickly ingulfed into a tight hug from the male with light green hair. He smiled at the other, still surprised by the sudden hug, but his smile dropped when the two of them where picked up by the other, who's hair was red and sapphire. Enji and the other laughed. Once the hugging was finished, they picked up their trays and followed Enji inside. "I'll grab everything, everyone is already asleep, so, sit and eat. I'll be right back." he informed them. The two nodded and watched as he walked off. "He's cute." the green haired male said, fixing his sunglasses.

The other nodded in agreement and the two ate. When Enji had come back, they helped set everything up. After, they all wished one another a goodnight and fell asleep. The home was quiet that night, aside from the snores that left certain residents. It was a peaceful night and a peaceful setting for the family. Tomorrow would be a day full of questions and family time, hopefully.

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