※First Kiss|Min Yoongi※

Start from the beginning

He had hugged her then, apologizing for making her wait for a long time. He had been clueless, thinking she would never see him as more than friends. But now they were dating and he was happy. She was his and he was hers.

They had not shared their first kiss yet, but every time they were teasing each other or bickering about something stupid, his eyes would linger on her lips and he wanted to capture them and kiss her and hold her. But he was afraid. He had never been kissed, but she had. He was afraid of being sloppy or simply a bad kisser. He didn't want her to be the first to initiate the kiss. She had initiated their relationship and he could bet on his life that she'd be the first to propose!

He wanted to be reckless and brave. But his anxiety was making his blood pressure skyrocket. He felt like he was burning even though it was the middle of December.

When he got to Minji's apartment he unlocked the door with the key Minji had given him. He went inside, the warmth of the apartment engulfed him and the smell of food quickly made it's way into his nostrils. He sniffed the air and waddled into the kitchen. His girlfriend was dancing around while cooking, which made Yoongi grin. He stayed by the door way and leaned into the frame. He stayed like that checking her out and waiting for her to notice he had arrived.

When Minji turned around she gave a little jump and giggled nervously. She had been too into her dancing and music. Plus her boyfriend was as stealthy as a cat.

"Hun? Why are you here so early? I'm still cooking. I haven't even set the table or fixed the livingroom." Minji pouted, walking over to Yooongi and grabbing his coat.

Yoongi placed a quick kiss on top of Minji's head before she moved over to place his jacket on a hook on the wall. "Boss had to go early so he dismissed us for the day. I also finished working on my group project, so my schedule for this weekend pretty much consists on sleeping, sleeping, sleeping, you and sleeping."

Minji laughed and walked back to the steaming pots on the stove. "Alrighty then. I won't complain, now I have you all for myself. All weekend."

Yoongi grinned and started towards Minji. He then wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his torso. He smelled her hair and then rested his chin on her shoulder. "You smell like cupcakes."

"That must be the perfume my sister got me or the cupcakes I'm making for us."

"You're making cupcakes?" Yoongi's voice raised an octave with pure excitement. His eyes almost sparkling at the mention of such sweet delicacy.

Minji nodded softly and then turned the stove off. "Yes, but for your girlfriend to be able to finish them you have to let her go and set the table."

Yoongi pulled away and gave her a chicky, Military salute, and then marched down to the dinning table to set it up with cutlery, plates and napkins.

After a few minutes Minji brought the food and placed it at the table where they both sat down and had dinner.

It all went smoothly, with a few glasses of wine and silly conversations, while the special music Yoongi had composed for Minji played softly in the background to set the mood.

After that Yoongi helped Minji carry the left overs and empty plates back into the kitchen. Then they both fixed the livingroom and sat to watch the movie Yoongi had picked this time.

Another rom com. Maybe not something he'd prefer to watch, but he knew Minji loved them and that's how their relationship started, so every celebration had to end with a cheesy romance movie.

Yoongi had picked out a specific one: Never Been Kissed. He switched the Korean subtitles on, deemed the lights and plopped down next to Minji who had a huge bowl of popcorn on her lap.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2021 ⏰

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