Meme 11

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If ACOTAR and TOG ever met:

The idiots: Aelin, Rhys, Fenrys, Cassian

The "nice to meet you!": Elide, Yrene, Feyre, Mor

The "gods, help me handle the idiots": Rowan, Nesta, Feyre, Lorcan

The ones creating chaos over the chaos: AELIN, MANON, CASSIAN, LYSANDRA

The "touch her and I'll kill you" males: Cassian, Rowan, Rhys, Lorcan, Aedion

The "shut up": Manon, Amren, Lorcan

The "let's go home": MANON, AMREN, LORCAN

The literal drunks: Actually, that'll be everyone (except probably Elide and Yrene, even Feyre'll be drunk)

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