Chapter One | The First Piece That Crumbled

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"All we ever wanted was everythingAll we ever got was cold"

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"All we ever wanted was everything
All we ever got was cold"

"Here you are! It was time I bloody found you."

You sighed as you heard a well known male voice and you looked up from your book. It was a muggle one, but you always enjoyed that particular story. "I don't want to fight you, Reg. Please, just leave me alone." Not even the first month of the sixth year passed and Regulus was already angry with you. From the beginning of the year, Regulus Black seemed distant and somewhat different, but you couldn't blame him. His brother ran away from the oh so Noble House of Black — disowned — and the "new" heir remained alone in that big house on Grimmauld Place. Alone, with his dreadful parents. You heard many things about Walburga and Orion Black, and you could only say you didn't like what you heard. It wasn't helpful that your mother knew Walburga Black since childhood either — she never let you met the woman, and you were glad. You didn't know anything for sure about the Black family, but you were certain that the wizards were terrible parents. For Reg it must have been really hard.

"Leave you? You need me. You can show me at least a little gratitude for staying with you." He grabbed your book, knowing it too well, as it wasn't the first time you were reading it. "Who — if not me — would keep you away from this muggle mania and its dumb doctrines?"

You rolled your eyes. "Dumb doctrines? I feel like you're describing yourself. I'm not the one who is a pureblood full of prejudices that only cares about blood status."

Regulus exhaled deeply and, for a few seconds, it was silence. Just a few moments of pure silence, until he spoke again. "If I'd care only about blood status, I wouldn't call a halfblood my girlfriend," he replied with a mocking tone. You winched. Regulus Black was one of the few people that knew about your true blood status: you weren't a pureblood as your mother wished so deeply. And you were always reminded about it.

"Oh, thank you Regulus, I didn't know! Thank you for always reminding me that I'll never be good enough for you!" you harshly said, sighing. "I'm just going to go. I really don't want to fight you," you muttered, reaching for the book, but Regulus made two steps back.

"Where to? Running into the arms of little Jamesie Potter, good ol' pal Lupin or my sorry excuse for a brother?" he said without any trace of shame. "I just wanted to talk," he added, in a more calmer tone.

You snatched the book from his hands. It had dark hues of blue on its cover, and the title was beautifully carved with round letters and small illustrations. "Don't insult my friends, what's wrong with you? I hate it when you're acting like this."

Regulus just softly laughed. "Well, I am sure your friends hate me too, don't bloody yell at me!" In other circumstances, you would kill to hear that laugh again.

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