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Part 1 of the Curse Within Gojo series.
Note: Contains Cursed Womb Arc spoilers.

It was late at night when Gojo felt it. They were in Gojo's room, the place where Yuuji had been sleeping after he was announced dead during the finger bearer incident.

Today was a tiring day for Gojo as he just got back from a rough mission. The special grade curse turned out to be a finger bearer and Gojo had just managed to exorcise it before things go astray. The curse had even managed to take him by surprise and put a scratch on his cheek. Gojo had furrowed his eyebrows at the possibility of it scarring, not liking how his beautiful face wasn't looking so beautiful anymore.

Yuuji was already sound asleep and sleeping in his spot when Gojo entered the room. Gojo let out a sigh at the loss of his sleeping spot, although the edges of his mouth curled into a small smile at how peaceful his student was in his sleep. Yanking his blindfold off his eyes and throwing them aside, Gojo took a bath and put on a randomly grabbed white t-shirt and pants. He placed the newly retrieved finger into his pants pocket and fell asleep the second his body hit the bed.

However, his well-deserved rest was interrupted just two hours in. He almost almost growled the moment he felt the ominous presence staring at him. He wasn't in the mood for more curses today and the presence wasn't helping him at all.

The bright blue eyes of the strongest jujutsu sorcerer snapped awake begrudgingly. Two pairs of red glowing eyes stared right back at him and before he could activate his infinity, which he should have had it on in the first place if he wasn't feeling so tired today, a marked hand reached out from the darkness and grabbed him by the neck.

"Give me the finger." Sukuna's eyes bored into Gojo's, his tone demanding as always. Sukuna was sleeping in his domain when the sweet presence of one of his fingers woke him up. He had been trying to break through Yuuji's mental barrier for the past two hours, finally succeeding in finding a weak spot and obtaining control of Yuuji's body. Sukuna's red eyes racked across Gojo's body, his gaze landing on the slight bulge in Gojo's pockets.

"As demanding as always I see." Gojo chided at the curse's impatience, digging out the finger and handing it to Sukuna. The faster he satisfies the curse, the faster he could go back to sleep. The finger was going to end up in Sukuna's belly anyways. "Can I go back to sleep now?"

Sukuna hummed delightfully as he let go of Gojo's neck, taking the finger in one swift move and swallowing it as a whole. Sukuna closed his eyes as he absorbed the curse energy of the finger and Gojo took this as his chance to activate his infinity. Gojo closed his eyes and let himself drift off to sleep, although he still made sure that he didn't sleep too deep as he needed to keep an eye on the curse that was in his bed.

When Sukuna opened his eyes and saw what Gojo was doing, his gaze turned into a glare. He was Ryoumen Sukuna, the King of Curses, how dare the human sorcerer look down on him. With an angry flare, Sukuna made a grab at Gojo again and when the infinity broke under his force, both of them were equally surprised. Gojo snapped open his eyes when Sukuna touched his skin, his sleep leaving him at the surprise. Gojo tried to focus, to do something, but his body wouldn't respond to him. It was now that he finally realized that something wasn't quite right with him. He felt weak, panting lightly with beads of sweat rolling down his forehead.

"You're sick," Sukuna said, feeling quite amused by the fact. Gojo Satoru was down with a fever with Ryoumen Sukuna in his bed. Sukuna's hold on Gojo's neck tightened. "Tell me, sorcerer. What do you think the others would say about your death. Would they mourn for you? Or would they call you a fool?" Sukuna grinned widely at Gojo, pulling the man closer by the neck.

Gojo let out a choked laugh. "You would kill me even after I fought so hard to get your finger for you? I even got a scratch." Gojo pointed weakly at the cut on his left cheek, finding the small action tiresome.

"Just heal it with your Reverse Cursed Technique." Sukuna stared unimpressed at Gojo as if he was looking at a real fool.

Gojo blinked at Sukuna's words. "I didn't think of that." The thought didn't even cross his mind for some reason.

"That's because you're a fool." Sukuna tsked at Gojo, leaning closer to inspect the cut. Sukuna brought a hand closer to Gojo's face and when the warm feeling of the Reversed Cursed Technique seeped in, Gojo was startled, to say the least.

"Helping me? How kind of you." Composing himself, Gojo chided at the curse, earning a growl from Sukuna.

"Don't test me, Six Eyes. I can still kill you right now." Sukuna growled at him and Gojo chuckled.

"Hai, hai. I see someone has a bad temper." Gojo pointed at the arm that was keeping his neck hostage. "Can you let go of me now?" Gojo was feeling a bit better now, although the weak sickly feeling was still seeping inside his bones.

"No. I'm going to kill you." It wasn't a surprise when Sukuna tightened his hold. Gojo sighed but let him, having no extra energy to fight the curse off anyways. Gojo closed his eyes and waited.

Maybe this was it, dead by the King of Curses's hand on his bed. Maybe Sukuna was right, that Nanami and Shoko would call him an idiot and a fool for it. Gojo waited and waited, but his death didn't come. He was going to open his eyes again when the hold on his neck loosened and a force kicked him off the bed. Landing on the floor with a loud thud, he could hear Sukuna tsk at him.

"Do not come up here." There were the sounds of bedsheets rustling. "If you do, I'll skin you alive and feed you to the wolves." Sukuna laid in the middle of the bed, his arms and legs stretched wide to horde the whole mattress all to himself. Gojo laid on his back on the floor as he tried to compose himself. The floor was cold at night and Gojo was shivering at the loss of his cosy bed. Neither of them said another word and when Gojo thought Sukuna had already fallen asleep, a blanket landed on his head.

"Looks like the King of Curses has a soft spot for me." Gojo chuckled amusedly as he wrapped himself up with the blanket. He closed his eyes and willed himself to sleep, ignoring the curses Sukuna was throwing at him. He would get better in the morning, Gojo reassured himself.

Everything would be okay in the morning.

GoSuku Oneshots 五宿Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz