Insanity (Chapter One)

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On 7th December 2018, the strongest sorcerer Gojo Satoru has been killed by Ryoumen Sukuna. After finally ingesting 20 fingers and rising up to his full strength, the King of Curses has obtained a new body, one that is completely similar to Itadori Yuuji’s with the help of Fushiguro Megumi, who was forced to perform the ritual. The first thing he did after getting his body was to kill every jujutsu sorcerer in his sight, cutting them down as if they were bugs, until the only one left standing was Gojo Satoru. The poor, pitiful blue-eyed sorcerer looked absolutely devastated after Sukuna unsealed him and gave him the news. Sukuna almost felt bad for him, to wake up and find everyone he had known dead, killed by the curse who stood before him in full glory. They fought, and Sukuna won't deny that it was a tough fight but unfortunately for the sorcerer, Sukuna is stronger. After disposing of the blue-eyed sorcerer, Sukuna is finally free.

All of Japan is for his taking, all of the humans and curses are under his wrath. He inflicts terror into their souls, squashing them like the vermins they are, their screams of suffering are music to his ears. He enjoys his newly-regained power, sitting on his high throne where he belongs.

Sukuna enjoys all of this, he really does, but sometimes he can't shake the feeling that something is missing. Sometimes, when he sits idly on his throne and staring at the bloody massacre before him, he finds all of it quite... boring. Nowadays, the only sounds he hears are flimsy pleading and useless sobbing. It’s the same cycle every single day. It doesn't take very long for Sukuna to lose the thrill of it.

Was it always like this? Sukuna ponders to himself. He doesn't remember life being this boring a thousand years ago. Back then, he had enjoyed every single bit of his supreme reign but now, after spending months of being stuck in the brat’s body and being constantly surrounded by annoying sorcerers, he finds the loss of the constant nuisances around him surprisingly upsetting.

Sukuna curses at himself for thinking about it, about how he misses the life he had before, and to make things worse, he often finds his mind lingering on the most annoying of them all — Gojo Satoru, which is absolutely hilarious, as Sukuna puts it. He must be insane to be missing that infuriating trash of a sorcerer. Six Eyes is the worst of them all, with his frustrating remarks and cocky attitude. That fake chirpy voice and smile of his get on Sukuna’s nerves every single time.

Sukuna is annoyed just by thinking about it.

Sukuna’s foul mood is evident all across the room and the meeting of curses cower under his gaze, careful to not bring any unwanted attention towards themselves. It is on the sorcerer's one year death anniversary when Sukuna finally decides that he has enough of this useless nonsense — he is going to travel back in time to kill Six Eyes one more time because of course, that'll fix everything. He wants to kill him, he needs to kill him. This time, he'll cut all the ties between them. This time, he'll make sure to forget all about that childish man because he really, really can't stand the constant need to burn the cocky sorcerer to ashes anymore... Well, at least that's what Sukuna tells himself.

The only thing left to do now is to find a way to go back in time. “Uraume, find everything you can about time manipulation,” So Sukuna gives the job to his most loyal servant. “Specifically, the way to revert time.”

“Sukuna-sama, the cost of utilising any time-related technique is too high—” As the trusty servant they are, Uraume immediately tries to advise their master against such actions.

Sukuna ignores their advice. “I’m aware of the consequences.” He glances idly at them to let them know that he is serious. Uraume looks worried and uncertain because they are absolutely sure that what their master is asking is a bad idea. “This is an order.” Sukuna has to use his authority in order to stop Uraume from refusing him further. After a moment of hesitation, Uraume bows their head in affirmation, although their expression shows anything but support.

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